What vaginal discharge can tell you about your health

What vaginal discharge can tell you about your health

Don't be alarmed if you have experienced vaginal discharge. The color of the discharge can be white, yellow, or green and can indicate an underlying health condition. It's important for women to know about the different types of vaginal discharge.

Vaginal discharge, also known as "leukorrhea," is a common condition that many women experience and often seek medical advice for. This condition can result from normal hormonal responses in women or from chronic or severe medical conditions. Therefore, it's important to be aware of this condition. Vaginal discharge is any fluid that flows out of the birth canal that is not blood. It is mainly produced by the birth canal, the cervix, and surrounding organs. The characteristics of vaginal discharge can vary depending on changes in the body during normal or disease states.


What is normal vaginal discharge and how does it occur?


Normally, in women who are in their reproductive age (also known as women who still have their periods or have fully developed female hormones), there will be changes in hormone levels that occur according to the menstrual cycle.


These changes can affect the characteristics of the fluid produced by the reproductive organs in the female body, such as during the middle of the menstrual cycle or near ovulation. At this time, estrogen hormone levels are high, causing the discharge to be clear and more abundant than at other times. During other times of the menstrual cycle, the discharge may appear white and slightly opaque, similar to wet flour.


In addition, normal vaginal discharge should not be itchy or have an odor. If your discharge has the characteristics mentioned above, it is considered normal and there is no need for treatment.


However, each woman's amount of discharge may vary. Some women may have a lot of discharge that stains their underwear for several days each month, while others may have so little discharge that they do not even notice it.


Furthermore, hormones in women of reproductive age cause cells in the vaginal canal to be complete and produce a type of starch-like substance called glycogen. This substance is converted into a mild acid by a certain type of bacteria, which helps prevent the growth of other harmful bacteria and the occurrence of abnormal conditions.


What are the causes and characteristics of abnormal vaginal discharge?

There are two major causes of abnormal discharge: infection and non-infectious factors.

Abnormal discharge caused by infection can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites in the reproductive tract. This type of discharge may have specific characteristics depending on the type of infection.


1. Viral infections:

Some viral infections are sexually transmitted and may not have obvious symptoms. For example, herpes is a lifelong disease that can cause small, clear blisters that eventually break and become painful sores. Yellow, foul-smelling discharge may accompany the first outbreak.


2. Bacterial infections:

This type of discharge may be yellow or green and may cause itching in some individuals. Some bacterial infections may cause a fishy odor, particularly after sexual intercourse. In the case of a gonorrhea infection, the discharge may be thick and yellow and may be accompanied by painful urination.


3. Fungal infection:

The cause of white discharge is due to a fungal infection. Fungal infections in the genital area often cause white, small lumps that resemble milk curds and itching in the genital area. This type of discharge usually does not occur from sexual intercourse. The common causes of this type of discharge are the use of contraceptives or vaginal douches that contain antibiotics, or in cases where the patient has a weak immune system, such as patients with diabetes or those taking immunosuppressant drugs.


4. Parasitic infection:

White discharge caused by a parasitic infection in the genital area. This type of infection is a sexually transmitted infection that often appears yellowish, may have a frothy appearance, itching in the genital area, and may have a slightly sour odor.

Non-infectious causes of abnormal discharge include changes in hormonal levels or chemical irritation from products such as douches or perfumed soaps. It's important to see a healthcare provider if you experience any unusual discharge, particularly if it's accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, itching, or discomfort.


What would you do in case of experiencing vaginal discharge?


If you experience normal vaginal discharge as described above, you do not need to do anything special, but you should see your gynecologist for an annual pelvic exam, including a Pap test for cervical cancer.


However, if you have abnormal vaginal discharge, such as discharge that is discolored or has a foul odor, or if you experience itching, you should be examined and treated appropriately for the underlying cause.


This is because treating the underlying cause will help the condition to heal more quickly. For example, if the discharge is due to a yeast infection, the doctor may prescribe an antifungal medication such as clotrimazole. If it is due to a bacterial infection in the genital tract, oral medication such as metronidazole may be necessary.


Secondly, abnormal vaginal discharge may sometimes be a symptom of gynecological cancer. This condition should be treated urgently.


Finally, if your vaginal discharge is caused by a sexually transmitted infection, you should be tested and treated for the infection as well as any other types of sexually transmitted infections that may be present.


Both you and your partner should be tested and treated to avoid complications and future reoccurrences of the disease.



General Asst. Prof. Dr. Thanaboon Julayamitborn


Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Phramongkutklao College of Medicine,

Assisted reproductive unit and gynecological endocrinology, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology Phramongkutklao Hospital

Consultant Obstetrician, Vibhavadi Hospital