A life changing second

General ML Kitimas Suksawat was 67 years old when he received a coronary bypass surgery by Dr. Cheerasak Arunthari and Dr. Semchai Boonpoh, cardiologists at Vibhavadi Hospital.

One morning, we received a call to go up to ward 12A, where a patient would like to share some grateful words with us. The only thing we knew was that the patient had a bypass surgery. When we arrived the room, we were surprised to see the bright smile of the patient who looked nothing like someone who just went through surgery. We wanted to know more about his story.

“It was a decision made within seconds,” said Gen. ML Kitimas Suksawat, recalling the experience. “I was negligent. I didn’t think it would happen to me because I thought that I was healthy as an Aviation Officer and got health checkups every 6 months. The only issue I had was high blood pressure, so I completely ignored my cardiovascular health. Until that day…the day my family and I were face to face with a life changing situation. It was 9 AM, I was with my wife, and we were doing some gardening. We were trying to cut a big tree and I was exerting a lot of force, thinking that I was strong. I sweat a lot as the weather was hot, and as soon as I took a shower and sat down to rest, I started to feel chest tightness and numbness in my arm down to my fingers. When I realized what was happening, I was reminded of the forwarded Line messages my friends usually sent, about the symptoms of atherosclerosis.”

He added, “I told my wife and son right away, and we were on our way to our usual hospital. My son was driving and we realized how far the trip was, especially with the traffic. At that point, I was already curled up in pain and we made the decision to go to Vibhavadi Hospital. My son was already a patient he so he knew that there was a Heart Center here and up to date medical equipment. I was first and foremost impressed with how quick the hospital provided medical help.”

“The doctors and nurses at the ER were quick to react. They treated me right away and didn’t waste time asking about my personal data, and I was very impressed with that. The doctor said that I had coronary artery disease, which required an angiogram and catheterization. I must admit that I was terrified at that moment but when I thought about my wife and children and their lives without me, I had to know more about the procedure. Eventually, the doctor was very kind and supportive, and my worried faded away. When we got to the catheterization room, Dr. Semchai, cardiologist, said that it would only hurt like getting an injection. His warm and composed demeanor really helped ease my mind. During the procedure I could see the medical team do their work with smiles on their faces and constant comforting words. I looked outside of the glass window and saw my wife and children there close by.”

Gen. ML Kitimas wanted to share his story with us as a cautionary tale for anyone who took their cardiovascular health for granted. He ended by saying, “I understand now what it means to be in the critical moment. The right decision really matters. I took my cardiovascular health for granted, and it was the most important organ that needs care but often did not get. I urge everyone to get their heart checked up every year and eat healthy food. Health is the most important thing…no amount of money can buy you good health, you have to nurture it.”