Saving the life of a patient who lost consciousness on the Airport Bus

On Saturday, September 7th 2019 at 10:30 am, Mr. Yao Gui Sae-Ma, a 53-year old tour guide, used the A3 Airport Bus from Din Daeng to Don Muang Airport. On the way, Mr. Yao Gui started to feel uneasy and had difficulty breathing, so he informed his younger brother, Mr. Natee. Mr. Natee switched seats with his brother so his brother would have the window to lean on if he felt weak. After a few minutes, Mr. Yao Gui experienced syncope and lost consciousness, and because Mr. Natee was also a tour guide, he was well trained in CPR; which he immediately gave his brother. After 120 chest compressions, he asked for help from the other 6 passengers—only 2 came to help because they were scared to be involved in case something went wrong. Mr. Natee told the other passengers that he would be the one responsible, and continued to give CPR with the other 2 male passengers. Meanwhile, someone called 1669 for emergency.

Mr. Yao Gui recalled that everything happened very fast. Within 10 minutes, he felt as if he fell down a black hole; unable to call for help because no one could hear him…he felt trapped and could not breathe. He was sure that he had died. He kept thinking about his family and 2 children, and suddenly he could breathe again…and he saw light. Even though he was unable to open his eyes and didn’t know where he was, but he could feel that someone was doing something to his thighs. When he woke up, he was in the CCU (cardiac care unit). He experienced a heart attack from a clogged artery on the left side of his heart and was given a stent; which saved his life. He felt extremely lucky that he decided to travel with his brother on that day (they usually traveled to the airport separately) and that he was around people who were able to give him CPR which kept him safe in that moment. He was also thankful that they decided to send him to the nearest hospital where his life was saved by the medical team at Vibhavadi Hospital, their close care allowed him to see his family again…truly feeling like he had another chance at life.

Mr. Yao Gui even mentioned that he was usually a very healthy person, he ate healthy food, did not smoke and drink, but never had his yearly health checkups because he never had any health issues he was worried about, so he assumed that he was healthy.

He would like to share with everyone that money means nothing without good health. He urges everyone to take care of their health even if they are healthy, especially if they have to travel constantly for work. He also encourage everyone to get yearly health checkups to determine any possible health risks to get early treatment and take preventative measures.

Lastly he would like to thank Vibhavadi Hospital for giving him a new life, thanks to the driver on that day, to the other passengers who helped give him CPR, and for sacrificing their time to stop at the hospital before going to the airport.


The account above was from an interview with Mr. Yao Gui Sae-Ma (the patient), and his brother Mr. Natee Apipatithan at the Vibhavadi Cardiac Care Unit.