Maternal Impression (From Mother to her Child)

Maternal Impression (From Mother to Her Child)     
            During this pregnancy, I have two choices in mind, both of which are private hospitals. The first hospital was selected for two good reasons. It is new and near my home. However, the doctor is not inexperienced, and I personally didn't have a good connection with the doctor. I have tried going to the hospital for 4 weeks, but they couldn't conclude if I am actually pregnant or not. As such, that led me to reconsider my hospital selection, and I then consulted my mother. My mom advised me to go consult Dr. Sunee Sakdhisri , who also took care of my mother when she was conceiving a child. My mother shared her experience with me during her pregnancy journey when she got into an unexpected accident that could potentially lead to abortion while having her third pregnancy (older sister) and her fourth pregnancy (me). The doctor displayed her skills and professionalism, which resulted in me and my sister being born into this world. After hearing this story, I have set my mind on Dr. Sunee Sakdhisri. When I came to visit Dr. Sunee for the first time, I was informed that I was pregnant. I was impressed because it was confirmed just through minimal checking. Because of this situation, I decided to settle on Vibhavadi Hospital since the facilities are well equipped and the services are well thought out. Moreover, the doctor is experienced, and the nurses are considerate from the early stages to when I deliver the baby. If there is any accident, I can always call the staff for a consultant, which is a really good experience. I don’t regret this choice, and I thank the doctor and Vibha Hospital for taking such great care of our family.