Review of Spinal Endoscopic Surgery

Review of Spinal Endoscopic Surgery


Symptoms prior to treatment

The patient experienced lower back pain and numbness radiating down to the right foot. After consulting with friends, it was decided to undergo surgery for treatment.


Severity of pain and impact on daily life

The pain was severe and unbearable, prompting consultations with multiple friends who suggested surgical treatment due to the patient's relatively young age.


Reason for choosing " Wipawadee Hospital "

The hospital was recommended for its skilled doctors, which influenced the decision to seek treatment there.


Post-surgery symptoms

The patient felt significantly relieved after the surgery, with only minor residual numbness.


Impressions of the doctors and nurses

The patient was impressed from the moment of arrival by the friendly and attentive staff. During the wait, nurses took preliminary medical histories, followed by consultations with expert doctors.


Advice for those experiencing pain

After treatment  the patient recommended the hospital to peers for its excellent service and friendly staff.


Impressions of the doctor

The doctor was friendly, approachable, and highly knowledgeable. The patient appreciated the doctor's advice and subsequently recommended them to others with similar symptoms.


Signed  Jampha Chantasorn (Teacher)