Facial pain: the thief of joy

          We all strive to work and make money, for a comfortable life without struggle…but the reality is good health is worth more than money. This is an interview with Mr. Amphol Wannee, a 56 years old sufferer of facial pain for 7 years. This condition has taken away his day-to-day happiness and got in the way of his life. The symptoms come and go, some months it didn’t bother him, allowing him to enjoy golfing at the driving range. However, it got in the way of his plans to travel because the pain was so unpredictable.

          Mr. Amphol was from Cholburi, and has his own real estate business. For the past 7 years, he continuously sought medical help and received medication which caused his dizziness and confusion, but didn’t help relieve the pain at all. During an intense painful episode, even the wind blowing on his face can cause excruciating pain like being electrocuted on the right side of his forehead. It would hurt so much that tears would flow automatically, his eye socket would be in pain—forcing his eye shut, and even his lips would be in so much pain that he could not eat or drink anything. It got in the way of his daily life so his children tried to find ways to help him, to which they found Dr. Methee Wongsirisuwan, a neurosurgeon at Vibhavadi Hospital; who has had many successes treating similar cases. Mr. Amphol’s children booked an appointment for their dad with Dr. Methee and they received the following diagnosis: Mr. Amphol had trigeminal neuralgia, a disorder related to the 5th cranial nerve, or the trigeminal nerve. The condition itself is not life threatening, but it causes a lot of discomfort and jolting pain for those suffering from it. There are no medication to treat the condition, but surgery is a widely used treatment. Mr. Amphol made a decision right away, even after being informed that it may not be 100% healed as the pain can remain slightly but it can get better with time. Before the surgery, we asked if Mr. Amphol was scared about the procedure and he said ‘not at all’ as he has been suffering with pain for so long and wanted to feel better as soon as possible. Furthermore, Dr. Methee’s expertise reassured him. And just like a miracle, as soon as he came out of surgery, Mr. Amphol told us that his pain completely disappeared. Before the surgery, he gave a 10 on the pain score, and after the procedure it was at a 0, except for very tiny jolts when he chewed or turned his head.

       Lastly, he would like to share that these days, medicine has advanced and doctors are experts, so if anyone is suffering from the same condition…please seek medical help right away. Surgery as a treatment option for neuralgia can be life changing in the best possible way.