Non-Surgical Back Pain Treatment

Non-Surgical Back Pain Treatment


Back pain, including lumbar pain and neck pain, is a common health issue that can be caused by incorrect use of the spine, prolonged sitting with an improper posture, or an accident involving heavy lifting or extreme twisting of the neck or waist. Symptoms can often be improved with supportive treatments such as physical therapy, massage, and exercise. In more serious cases, surgery may be necessary to correct structural abnormalities of the spine.



More than half of people who come to a doctor with back, neck, or waist pain are typically suffering from muscle inflammation or tendon pain, for which medication is an effective treatment. Painkillers, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and nerve tonics are commonly prescribed. Stress relief medications may also be prescribed. The advantages of this type of treatment are that it is non-invasive and not as costly as surgery. However, it is important for a doctor to rule out any serious underlying causes that may require surgery prior to prescribing this therapy. Failure to do so could lead to a worsening of symptoms, making treatment more difficult.


Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is often employed as a supplementary treatment to other methods, such as administering medications alongside it. After deformity surgery, physical therapy techniques may include muscle massage with ultrasound heat, paraffin heating, electrical muscle stimulation, acupuncture, local injections at painful sites, back traction, and neck traction.


Before undergoing physiotherapy, it is important to make sure that the patient does not have any underlying surgical diseases. In particular, if there is a severe deterioration of the cervical vertebrae, surgery may be required to resolve nerve compression before physical therapy. Pulling the neck or back forcefully in such cases may worsen symptoms, possibly leading to paralysis or paresis. To detect and evaluate the severity of nerve compression, doctors may request radiological tests, such as X-rays of the cervical or lumbar vertebrae and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).


Patients should understand that physical therapy and medication may not be a permanent solution to all medical issues, even if a doctor determines that surgery is not yet necessary. Some conditions may worsen over time and require additional treatment, such as when spinal degeneration or intervertebral discs occur. Even if the patient's symptoms improve initially, progressive deterioration may cause the symptoms to return and further treatment may be necessary.


Topical Injections

If the patient has been receiving treatment for their back pain but has not seen satisfactory results, then their doctor may opt for a radiographic diagnosis to determine the cause of their pain. After the diagnosis is complete, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the current standard diagnostic method used. However, if the patient does not need surgery but does not respond well to the given medication, their doctor may consider injections to relieve the pain. These injections often involve anesthetic or anti-inflammatory drugs, and those receiving this treatment are usually able to go home after only a few days in the hospital.



Intervertebral Disc Repair through Heat Waves

This method is similar to fixing a malfunctioning intervertebral disc so that it can last for an extended period of time. The doctor will insert a needle with a small electrode at the tip into the affected intervertebral disc. This electrode will emit heat to the disc, causing it to shrink. As a result, the nerves that are compressed by the intervertebral disc will be alleviated. Patients can expect to return home after a few days.


In summary, the treatment of low back pain, neck pain, and waist pain requires a definite diagnosis before planning a treatment. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the standard diagnosis today, making it easier for doctors to plan treatment. When possible, no surgery will be performed, but if the patient has severe symptoms or does not respond to non-surgical treatments, surgery may be considered as a last resort. Laparoscopic surgery is currently the standard surgery for low back pain centers at Vibhavadi Hospital, and patients can usually go home within a few days.



For more information, please contact the Brain Center.

Vibhavadi Hospital Tel.0-2561-1111, 0-2941-2800 press 1