
Migraine: A Common Condition You Might Have Without Realizing

In today's society, people are frequently exposed to various environmental factors, both external and internal, that can trigger migraines. These include prolonged screen time, extreme weather, and air pollution from PM2.5 particles. Many people suffer from migraines without realizing it.

What is a Migraine?

A migraine is a condition where the brain responds sensitively to environmental triggers, leading to severe headaches.


  • Severe headache that can incapacitate, sometimes accompanied by tears, lasting 4-72 hours.
  • Increased headache with head movement.
  • Headache may come with nausea and, in severe cases, vomiting.
  • Triggers include bright lights, extreme temperatures, and loud noises.
  • Commonly affects younger individuals.

Common Types of Migraine:

  1. Classic Migraine: Typically starts in adolescence and may diminish with age. Some may experience warning signs like flashes of light, vision loss, or numbness on one side, known as auras.
  2. Common Migraine: Usually affects the forehead, around the eyes, temples, and jaw, often on one side. These migraines typically lack warning signs.

Less Common Types of Migraine:

  • Hemiplegic Migraine: Causes temporary weakness on one side of the body.
  • Ophthalmoplegic Migraine: Headache accompanied by drooping eyelid and double vision.
  • Basilar Artery Migraine: Preceded by dizziness, imbalance, and double vision.
  • Status Migrainosus: Prolonged headache lasting more than 72 hours, more intense than usual.


Diagnosis is based primarily on medical history and physical examination. Criteria include:

  • At least 5 headache episodes
  • Headache duration of 4-72 hours
  • Headache must include at least 2 of the following characteristics:
    • Unilateral pain with pulsating quality
    • Intensity causing interference with daily activities
    • Worsening with physical activity
    • Accompanied by nausea/vomiting or sensitivity to light/noise

Treatment for Migraine Patients:

  1. Symptom Control:
    • Avoidance of Triggers:
      • Avoid migraine-triggering foods such as alcohol (especially red wine), MSG, dairy products, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, coffee, and tea.
      • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
      • Avoid hormonal medications like contraceptives.
      • Manage stress through exercise and meditation.
      • Control environmental factors like temperature changes, flickering lights, and strong odors.
  2. Medication:
    • Use pain relief medications cautiously as long-term use may cause side effects like stomach irritation and liver damage.
  3. Non-Pharmacological Treatments:
    • Meditation
    • Stress management
    • Acupuncture
    • Regular exercise


Migraines are a common condition that can significantly impact daily life. Understanding the triggers and adopting preventive measures can help manage the condition. If you experience symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for appropriate diagnosis and treatment to maintain a better quality of life.