7 Food Tips For a Beautiful Figure, Clear Skin, and Good Health

7 Food Tips For a Beautiful Figure, Clear Skin, and Good Health


  1. Eat three complete meals per day, avoiding skipping breakfast, eating a light lunch, and refraining from heavy meals at dinner.


  1. Consume all five food groups, including white protein from eggs/fish, complex carbohydrates from brown rice and grains, healthy fats from plant sources such as beans, sesame seeds, and avocados, reducing animal fat consumption. Additionally, intake vitamins and minerals from a variety of colorful vegetables and non-sweet fruits such as guava and green apples.


  1. Diversify your food choices and rotate them regularly. Eating the same food repeatedly increases the risk of nutrient deficiency and contamination by similar substances.


  1. Consume fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, which reduces the risk of exposure to toxins and chemicals from cultivation. Wash them thoroughly before consuming. Organic produce is preferred.


  1. Opt for fresh, minimally processed foods, avoiding fast food, frozen food, and convenience foods to promote longevity.


  1. It is advisable to eat slowly and in small portions, rather than quickly and in large amounts. Chew your food thoroughly to reduce the burden on your body's digestive system and minimize the production of free radicals resulting from the process of burning food. You may also consider intermittent fasting for 2-3 times a week to stimulate the growth hormone and promote youthful recovery.


  1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, aiming for 2-3 liters to nourish your skin and brain. Avoid drinking a large amount of water at once, and refrain from drinking RO (reverse osmosis) water, which may deplete essential minerals from your body and bones.


Best wishes from the Department of Anti-Aging Medicine at Vibhavadi Hospital