Thalassemia disease

Thalassemia disease Thalassemia, also known as anemia, is often found in Thai children during infancy, toddler, school-age children, or adolescents. To diagnose anemia, it can be examined by blood test, which is found that the red blood cells are less than the amount of hemoglobin, the main component of red blood cells, compared to aged-match normal children. The most common cause in Thai children is a lack of essential nutrients or iron deficiency. The strategies for children caring are eating good quality food, taking the blood tonic, preventing the cause of chronic blood loss in children, such as parasitic disease. However, the iron deficiency anemia can be cured.   However, anemia is an important problem and is common in Thai people, including children or adults. It is Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies, which is a hereditary disease. The disease can be transmitted from parents, who are carriers, to the child, causing abnormal symptoms in child but not in parents. In Thailand, we have people who are carriers of thalassemia about 20-30 % of the total population. In spouses who are carriers of the same type of thalassemia, when they give birth, each child has a chance of Thalassemia about 25% or 1 in 4.   Major Thalassemia in Thailand There are different types of Thalassemia in Thailand. There are Alpha-thalassemia group and Beta-thalassemia group. The severe form of Alpha-Thalassemia (Hemoglobin Bart hydrops fetalis) will cause the death of the child. For the moderate severity (Hemoglobin H disease), pediatric patients will have chronic anemia, enlarged liver and spleen, and they require to do the occasional blood replacement, especially when having a fever or being sick. The child will be pale quickly because the red blood cells are destroyed much faster. For beta Thalassemia group, the severe form is Homozygous Beta Thalassemia. Pediatric patients will have paleness from the age of 6 months onwards, yellow body, bloated stomach, enlarged liver, enlarged spleen, slow body growth, stunted body, abnormal changes of facial structure (Thalassemia facies), complications. In severe cases, patients must receive regular blood replacement every 2-4 weeks to survive. Otherwise, health will deteriorate greatly, and heart attack might occur.   Thalassemia treatment Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only way to cure Thalassemia disease, which can be received from siblings or donors with matching HLA. For palliative treatment, there are regular blood replacement together with iron chelation drugs. Because the patient will have iron overload symptom, it is harmful to the liver, pancreas, endocrine glands, and heart. In addition, patients should take folic acid tablets daily for the rest of their lives. Patients should avoid iron-rich foods and iron-containing tonics. Some patients have a very enlarged spleen, or a very rapid anemia and they need blood replacement more often. Doctors may consider removing the spleen when the patient is over 5 years old. These methods can extend the patient's life as long as possible.   There are many other anemias in Thai children that can be found. Pediatricians who specialize in hematology are able to provide knowledge and advice to you.   For more information, please contact Vibhavadi Hospital.

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Vital Sign

Vital Sign          When you go to the hospital, the nurse will weigh and measure blood pressure, right? Do you know what it's called in medical terminology? It is called Vital Sign. It is for providing information to the doctor about your basic health information. There are 4 main Vital Signs.   Measure body temperature (If patients do not have fever, they may not be measured): The normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius; it is allowed not to exceed 37.5. If it exceeds, there is a fever. Measure blood pressure: blood pressure is the pressure that the heart has to pump blood. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. For a good health, it is 110/70. Which is more dangerous between high blood pressure and low blood pressure? If it is too high or low blood pressure, both are all dangerous. However, high blood pressure is more dangerous because high blood pressure may not show a headache symptom. Long-term abnormal blood pressure causes negative effects on the brain, heart, and kidneys. Abnormalities can be found and treated by blood pressure monitoring before major problems occur such as kidney failure or stroke. If there is a free health check, you can ask for a blood pressure measurement. Measure pulse/heart rate: normal heart rate is about 70-80 beats/minute in adults. Measure respiratory rate: normal respiratory rate should be 20 to 26 beats per minute in adults. Measure waist circumference: The cardiologist will always do this because it shows the risk of heart disease (abdominal obesity). The normal waist circumference is not exceed 90 cm in men and not exceed 80 cm in women.  So, have you ever measured your blood pressure yet? How much is your waist circumference?

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Blood in the stool indicates disease

Blood in the stool indicates disease (Article by Pu Phad)           Hello, did anyone have a blood in the stool this morning? I just ask something bad, right? but this thing is important. Sometimes we don't dare to tell anyone. Going to see a doctor? Forget it. I've heard the question about bloody stool countless times. I can tell that is everyone's concern. It has only 2 big observations, namely fresh blood or dark blood stool. Firstly, let's observe your behaviors.   You've never practiced going to the toilet in the morning. You have a regular constipation and prefer to sit on the toilet for a long time and read newspaper. You eat very little fresh vegetables and fruits. You don't have time to exercise. You are stress. You rarely drink water. You always stay up late or have not enough rest.   If you have more than 3 of these things, it's quite bad.          Now, I want to know have you ever looked down after finishing? Do you know that feces can be an indication of good health? For example, black stool and blood mixed with mucus shows abnormality. If it is fresh blood coming out, it shows that the blood comes from the tip, such as the anal, which may be hemorrhoids. However, blood stool with dark color occurs, you must see the doctor immediately. It indicates that the blood has traveled far. Blood may bleed from the stomach and intestines. You should hurry to check.   In conclusion, anyone who has not noticed or observed at their own excrement from now on, let's turn to look at it.

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Take care of beautiful hair...according to the sufficiency economy theory

Take care of beautiful hair...according to the sufficiency economy theory How to take care of beautiful hair...according to the sufficiency economy theory? How can I make beautiful hair by saving money and resources? Do you know that our hair has natural nourishing oils? Washing your hair causes moisture losing from natural oils. Therefore, the dermatologist recommends that you should wash your hair only twice a week. Each time, you should wash with shampoo only 2 times.   Take care of beautiful hair...according to the sufficiency economy theory   How to take care of beautiful hair...according to the sufficiency economy theory? How can I make beautiful hair by saving money and resources? Do you know that our hair has natural nourishing oils? Washing your hair causes moisture losing from natural oils. Therefore, the dermatologist recommends that you should wash your hair only twice a week. Each time, you should wash with shampoo only 2 times, followed by conditioner 1 time, that's enough. You do not need to wash with shampoo up to 3 times. You should let the natural oils still coat the hair, which will not make your hair dry and hard. Nature has created oil to coat the hair, but you usually wash it out. Hair salon usually washes your hair with shampoo 3 times, conditioner 1 time. From now on, you should tell them that shampoo 2 times is enough, followed by conditioner. Those can save water (for nation), save shampoo, save time, and still have soft hair with natural oils.   For men who likes to wash their hair every day, you just use shampoo 1 times. You will find that shampoo will run out very slowly.

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Acute and Chronic kidney disease

Acute and Chronic kidney disease   Usually, people's kidneys will deteriorate slowly with age. On average, kidney function will decrease by about 1% per year. If kidney is abnormal, kidney function will deteriorate faster than normal. When the kidneys deteriorate rapidly or stop function, this is known as "acute kidney failure". In this case, the kidneys may return to normal with proper treatment. If the kidney deteriorates slowly and continuously for more than 3 months, especially when the kidney function decreases 60%, it is called "chronic kidney disease".   Causes of chronic kidney disease             Chronic kidney disease is caused by many reasons. The common cause includes the complications from diabetes and high blood pressure diseases. There are also many other causes, such as gout, kidney stones, nephritis, and repeated urinary tract infections. Moreover, it may be caused by side effects from drug usage and various chemicals, including painkillers called “NSAIDs” and some antibiotics, etc.   In addition, it is also caused by congenital or abnormalities from birth, such as children with a birth weight less than 2,500 grams. The kidneys of this child will work less than normal children. Children with congenital kidney abnormalities, such as small kidneys, a blockage in the urinary tract or gall bladder disease.   Chronic kidney disease prevention   Most patients with chronic kidney disease, especially in the early stages, often do not know that they have chronic kidney disease because there are not obvious symptoms or have symptoms but do not know about kidney deterioration. Therefore, it is unable to diagnose chronic kidney disease from the symptoms easily. It requires blood and urine tests. Therefore, those, who are in the risk group with chronic kidney disease, including people aged 60 years and over, should have blood and urine tests to screen for chronic kidney disease at least every year in order to be treated early.   Signs of kidney disease have 6 symptoms, which are: Difficult urination: it indicates that you have a problem with the urinary system. This may also have kidney disease. It can be divided into 2 groups: Burning urination caused by a urinary tract infection which is more often found in females than males. For male, if you have this condition, you may have hidden stones in the kidney or enlarged prostate gland. In addition, sometimes you may have fever and waist pain as well. Difficulty urination and nighttime urination indicate that there is a blockage of the urinary tract. The most common are enlarged prostate gland in males or prolapsed uterus in females. Frequent nighttime urination: in normal people, people sleep for 6 - 8 hours without waking up. Our urine can be contained about 250 cc or equal to 1 glass of water, so there is no need to get up for urination during the night. However, in people with chronic kidney disease, kidney cannot reduce the urine production at night, so there is a lot of urine. That’s why they need to urinate during the nighttime. In general, we will get up to urinate couple times during night if you drink water before bed. If you have symptoms like this that weren't before, you should consult a doctor. Nocturnal urination is not only a symptom of kidney disease, but it may also be found in diabetic patients, those who have swelling, or people who take diuretics. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor. Bloody, fleshy, or unusually cloudy urine: normally, urine is clear yellow. The color may be intense with less water and fade with more water. If the urine is reddish like blood, it indicates that there may be blood in the urine, which is caused by a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, kidney inflammation or a tumor in the urinary tract or blood diseases. Swelling around the eyes, face, feet: Swelling around the eyes and face may be easily noticed when you wake up. Swelling feet may be seen in the afternoon or when there is a long-time activity in a standing position. They can be observed from the ring or shoes, which will be tighter. When you press your fingers on your feet or shins, there will be a dimple. This condition may be caused by kidney disease. It can also be caused by heart disease or liver disease. The symptoms in chronic kidney disease are swelling on the back of the foot and shin. If it's a lot, it will press and make a dimple. There are many kidney diseases that patients come with swelling. However, it was found that many people with swelling ignored it because they do not suffer from the swelling. Some people may not want to be tested because they are afraid that the doctor will say that they have kidney disease. Therefore, they will let the time pass for months and years or there is so much swelling that they can't stand anymore, they will go to see a doctor. Back pain and waist pain: these symptoms are very common symptoms, but most of them are caused by muscle pain from work. This usually recovers by taking a break from work or taking painkillers. For back pain and waist pain caused by kidney disease, it is usually caused by stones in the kidneys or in the ureters. Pain is the result of ureteral obstruction or kidney aneurysm. The characters of the pain will be as follows: pain in the waist or the ribcage in the back and often have pain in the lower abdomen, thighs, or genitals. The pain is usually on one side. The abnormalities that are often found are the urine that has a flesh-colored or cloudy color or genital pain. High blood pressure: it is a key symptom of chronic kidney disease, especially those who have had high blood pressure for a long time and cannot be controlled. Kidney disease that doctors often think about is chronic kidney disease and renal artery disease. High blood pressure itself may have no symptoms or have minor symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, etc. Therefore, you should check your blood pressure regularly at least twice a year.   The above warning signs may indicate that your kidney function is already abnormal. Therefore, if these signals occur, you should consult with a doctor immediately. In some kidney diseases, if it is known and treated early, it can be recovered. In patients with severe kidney disease, treatment can only slow down the deterioration of the kidneys. There are often that patients come for treatment and discover that the kidneys have stopped working because the patient had symptoms for a long time but refused for treatment. Therefore, the only way to cure kidney is hemodialysis and patients may die prematurely.   Severity of chronic kidney disease It can be divided the disease into 5 stages:   Chronic kidney disease stage 1: the kidneys are still functioning normally, but abnormality of the kidneys was detected, for example, protein leakage in the urine or white blood cells and red blood cells were found in the urine. It may be called "initiation of kidney malfunction" Chronic kidney disease stage 2: 60-90% of kidney function remains, or early-stage chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease stage 3: 30-60% of kidney function remains, or middle-stage chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease stage 4: 15-30% of kidney function remains, or severe-stage chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease stage 5: less than 15% of kidney function remains, or end-stage renal failure.   How to treat and manage when having kidney disease           There are many aspects of chronic kidney disease management, which must be treated according to the stage of the disease as follows.   Chronic kidney disease, stage 1: must stop smoking and control the diseases that cause kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease stage 2: must limit salty food. Chronic kidney disease stage 3: restrict protein diet. Chronic kidney disease stage 4: restrict fruit intake. Chronic kidney disease stage 5: must be treated by abdominal dialysis, hemodialysis, or kidney transplantation, which is the best method for late-stage patients.   At present, the medical treatment of chronic kidney disease in Thailand is similarly to one in developed countries, Europe and the United States. Patients with chronic kidney disease can therefore be confident in the efficiency of medical treatment of Thai physicians with potential comparable to foreign ones. It can reduce the cost of traveling for treatment or surgery abroad.   Thank you for information from The Kidney Association of Thailand

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Pneumonia: a dangerous disease found during the rainy season

Pneumonia: a dangerous disease found during the rainy season   Pneumonia is a dangerous disease found during the rainy season. This disease can happen to anyone who is not healthy and has low immunity. Mostly it will be found in patients who have already had a cold, influenza, tonsillitis, measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, etc. The worse is patients with this disease will be at risk of developing other diseases, such as lung abscess, pus in the pleural space, lung collapse (atelectasis), bronchiectasis, meningitis, membranes heart inflammation (pericarditis), peritonitis, acute arthritis, septicemia, mainly hypoxia and dehydration. If it is found in young children and the elderly, it may cause rapid death.   Cause of disease   Infections (most of them), such as bacteria, viruses (influenza, measles, and chickenpox), fungi, and chemicals. The germs are spread by coughing, sneezing, or breathing. Aspiration of chemicals or food particles into the lungs Spreading the infection through the blood stream, such as injections, saline administration, inflammation in other organs, etc.   Acute symptoms   High fever, about 39-40 degrees Celsius, and may have fever all the time, chills (especially in the early stages) Rapid and frequent breathing (panting) Red face, red lips, pellicle tongue Dry cough without sputum (in early stage), but it will have the sputum later (yellow, green, or bloody color). A sharp chest pain when breathing in or when coughing. Sometimes there may also be pain that refers to the shoulders, flanks, or abdomen. These conditions show in older, children, and adults. Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, or convulsions found in young children. In sever cases, cyanosis, green lips, green tongue, and green fingernails may occur.   How to avoid pneumonia            Although this disease can be cured, it can return whenever the body is weak. Therefore, prevention in the right way is an important thing that we all should not ignore. Moreover, how to reduce the risk of infection or disseminated pneumonia is   Stay healthy. Keep clean and avoid crowded places. Eat food and supplements with high nutrition properly. Do not inject with an unsterilized syringe needle. Keep kerosene out of the reach of children. Prevent chronic lung disease (bronchitis, emphysema) with not smoking. In case the person at risk of disease is a child under 4 years old, they should be closely taken care and be careful about choke. Small toys should be keep out of reach of children to prevent children from taking it into their mouths. When you have a cold, influenza, measles, chickenpox, etc., you should take care of it early. If symptoms do not decrease, you should consult a medical professional as soon as possible.   For patients who have no symptoms of asthma, you should drink a lot of water, wipe yourself when you have a high fever, take fever-reducing medication and antibiotics. If the symptoms reduce in 3 days, antibiotics should be continued for another 1 week. If they do not decrease or have asthma, you should go to the hospital. If you have asthma or another complication, you should take antibiotics and go to the hospital immediately. If you are not treated in time, you may die. If you have dehydration, saline should be given during the trip. Treatment usually requires chest x-ray examination, sputum examination for the pathogen cause, or draw blood for culture. The oxygen, saline and antibiotics will be given. Moreover, high doses of penicillin or other antibiotics might be intramuscularly or intravenously injected according to the type of infection.   In addition to pneumonia that is often found in the rainy season, Dengue fever must be careful as well. In the rainy season, there is always flooding. It is likely to be bitten by mosquitoes easily. If it is combined with a weak body with low immunity, it is even more dangerous to health. However, no matter what disease is, we should be careful and know how to take care of your health by eating good food, getting lots of rest, and thinking good things. It will make our body and mind happy and far from all diseases.   Thank you for the article from Vibhavadi Hospital

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Hepatitis B /What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B /What is Hepatitis B?             Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis virus B. The virus invades the liver cells and causes inflammation. In some cases, the infection may stay for years. The infected person does not know that they have the infection in their body. It can multiply rapidly in liver cells, causing inflammation and damage to the liver.   Hepatitis transmission            Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through blood, semen and other secretions such as lymph.   Having sex with an infected person without using a condom. Kissing is not contagious if the lips are not wounded. Sharing needles. Using tattoo needles or colors used in tattoos together and ear piercing. Sharing toothbrushes, razors, and nail clippers. An infected mother can transmit it to the baby during delivery. If the mother is infected, the child has a 90% chance of being infected. Being pierced by a needle from work. Homosexuality with an infected person. Contact with blood, blood, secretions through the wound.   Symptoms of hepatitis B patients will appear 45-90 days after infection. In some cases, there are up to 180 days. For the acute symptoms, they will show fatigue, loss of appetite, body aches, fever, distension, liquid stools for 4-15 days. After that, they will be yellow body, yellow eyes, dark colored urine, Jaundice. Those will disappear within 1-4 weeks. In some cases, it may take up to 6 weeks to be able to work normally.   Effects of hepatitis B virus           After hepatitis B infection, the disease prognosis as follows:   90% of patients are cured, that is, the liver function returns to normal and have immunity within 10 weeks. Some patients are diagnosed with hepatitis B virus HbAg+ but their liver function is normal. These can be called carriers and transmit to other people. 5-10% will have chronic hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis patients will have abnormal liver function for at least 6 months and the infection will always be detected. This group of patients will have inflammation of the liver from time to time. Some people have cirrhosis. Some people have liver cancer. Even though you have no symptoms, you can get hepatitis.   People who are carriers of this disease show no symptoms, causing a misinformation of infection. That leads to a negative effect, causing the infection to others. Therefore, before getting married or having sex, hepatitis should be checked first. For diagnosis, the doctor will do the blood test for liver function and viral hepatitis. Treatment diagnosis   The doctor will do the blood test for liver function and viral hepatitis. Most of patients will recover by resting, eating with non-lipid food. The use of interferon or lamivudine drugs should be under the supervision of a physician.   Hepatitis B vaccination   If you are infected with hepatitis B, what will you do?           Once you have been diagnosed with hepatitis B, you should ask for medical advice on how to take care of yourself. Moreover, you must take into account close people as well because you may be able to spread the infection to close people. How to do if you have an infection in your body.   If you have hepatitis B, you don’t need to worry. Most patients will recover on their own by their immunity. Take your medication and follow your doctor's advice. Get regular blood tests because blood tests will tell if your liver is more or less inflamed. Inform your close people. If close people do not have immunity, they must be vaccinated to prevent hepatitis. Have safe sex by wearing a condom. Do not donate blood. Do not drink alcohol liquor. Do not take medication without consulting a doctor. Get enough rest.     Thank you for the source

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Hepatitis A B C D and E

Hepatitis virus Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition caused by tissue destruction which results in various malfunction of liver and lead to sickness. Hepatitis is a disease that has been known for a long time. It remains a global public health problem, including Thailand where most patients both male and female at all ages encounter acute hepatitis. While a minority had chronic hepatitis which may have subsequent complications, namely cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis is commonly found to be caused by the viral infection, followed by alcohol, certain drugs, and etc. Type of Hepatitis is classified as follows •          Hepatitis A •          Hepatitis B •          Hepatitis C •          Hepatitis D •          Hepatitis E   Hepatitis A Hepatitis A infection is caused by eating contaminated food, fruits, and vegetables, and drinking water. The incubation period may take about 2-6 weeks (4 weeks in average) after infection. Children tend to have less symptoms while the symptoms of acute hepatitis can be obviously found in adults. This virus will come out in the patient’s stool within 2 weeks before symptoms of the disease appear and until they are onset. This virus can survive in the environment for a long period resulting in an outbreak in the community, groups of people gathered at schools, dormitories, military camps, and etc. The patient with hepatitis A can recover by themselves without being carrier. They will have immunity after recovery. The mortality rate of this disease is very low.   Hepatitis B There is around 200 million of the global population found to be a carrier of hepatitis B. In Thailand, 8 – 10% of total population (5 million people in approximate) are carrier of this virus. It is found in the blood vessel, lymphatic vessel, secretion such as semen, vaginal fluid, saliva, tears, milk, allowing the infection to be spread in various ways. For instance, the infection paths are: 1. By sexual intercourse 2. Infants born to carrier mother (may be infected during procreation or care giving) 3. Exposure to the carrier’s blood or lymph via syringe sharing for drug injection, contaminated ear-piercing, blade razor, toothbrush, etc. 4. Through the skin with wound or abrasion. 5. Close contact between carriers and others such as family members, children of school age, etc.   The incubation period may takes around 30 – 180 days (60-90 days in average). 90% of  patient will recover and return to normal while the rest will remain as carrier.   The carrier of hepatitis B often show no symptoms, but the disease is still able to be infected. Some may suffer from chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. The possibility risk of getting liver cancer, found in the carriers of this virus are 223-times higher than other people. However, this disease can be prevented by using vaccines.   Hepatitis C Formerly known as non-A, non-B hepatitis mainly caused by blood transfusion, hepatitis C infection is commonly found in the population (around 1 %). They can be infected via blood and lymph, by sharing syringes among drug addicts and may also be infected through sexual intercourse.   The incubation period of this virus takes around 15 – 160 days (50 days in average), causing acute hepatitis. This virus also causes chronic hepatitis and may lead to liver cancer alike to hepatitis B virus. The problems caused by this virus will continue as long as there it cannot be cured by any vaccines.   Hepatitis D It’s an imperfect virus that should co-exist with hepatitis B. The infection is found in a group of drug addicts sharing the contaminated syringe or by close-contact as similar as hepatitis B virus.   Hepatitis E The report states that the outbreak of this virus can be found in some countries e.g. India, Cambodia in which the people can be infected through their dietary as similar as hepatitis A virus.   Acute Hepatitis symptoms The symptoms are divided into 3 stages as in the following. 1. Initial stage - fatigue, fever, headache, and body aches, muscle pain. Some patients may show symptoms as similar as a cold, influenza, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain in the right ribcage, and diarrhea, abnormal yellowish urine, and etc. This stage may last 4-5 days until 1-2 weeks. 2. Jaundice stage - The patient has got yellow eyes, jaundice, some general symptoms may be recovered but they are still exhausted. The mentioned symptoms may last from 2-4 weeks to 8-12 weeks and will be gradually recovered. 3. Recovery stage – takes 2-24 weeks (8 weeks in average)   Hepatitis diagnosis             The symptoms as mentioned can be diagnosed as hepatitis infection by physical examination and blood test as in the following 1. Blood test (Liver function test) – SGOT & SGPT enzyme level is higher than normal condition (in case of the patient’s got jaundice) 2. Blood test (Virus detection) i. IgM Anti HAV ii.  HBsAg;IgM Anti HBc iii.  Anti HCV   Hepatitis treatment There is no direct cure for the disease. It can only be treated by symptoms. For instance, taking a rest helps to decrease in exhaustion in the early stage, refrain from exercise and work-out, abstain from alcoholic drinking, eat easily digestible food, sweetened beverages, fruit juices. Food with rich in fat should be avoided during severe nausea and vomiting period. For severe patients, water may be given intravenously with anti-inflammatories, medicines, vitamins, etc.   Prevention of hepatitis infection 1. Having good personal and public hygiene, such as hands washing thoroughly after excretion, hygiene cooking, eating cooked food, drinking clean water, and etc. 2. Avoid getting contact with the other people's blood, lymph, secretions. Do not share a needle or a sharp object with others 3. Do not do sexually promiscuous and use a condom. 4. Receive hepatitis B vaccine. 4.1 Every newborns especially if the mother is a carrier of the virus 4.2 All children to strengthen their immunity. 4.3 Older children, adolescents, and adults may have been infected who have got experienced with hepatitis B infection should be tested for immunity to B virus (HBc Ab). They must be vaccinated in case of the result is negative to improve the immunity against hepatitis B virus. If the result is positive, the vaccination is no necessary. For more details, please consult a doctor. 5. Preventive vaccination is applied in case of there is an outbreak of hepatitis A in nursing homes, schools, etc. the following  

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Get to know Lung Cancer, the silent threat that kills many Thai people lives

There are many types of cancer in Thailand. Lung cancer is the cause of many deaths in Thailand each year. The Statistic data from the National Cancer Institute indicates that 47 new patients were found per day in 2019 (around 17,222 people per year) which are •          Male – 10766 people •          Female – 6,456 people   Cause of Lung cancer •         Air pollution in big cities, such as smoke from car exhausting pipes, people who work in the mining industry, such as nickel, radioactive substances. •          Prolonged smoking – by 80% of the patient’s record states that 75% of patients are heavy smokers with at least 20 cigarettes per day for 20 years or more consecutively or at least 10 cigarettes per day for 30 years or more. •          The scars inside the lung – results from a long-term chronic disease, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, which can progress a cancer.   Symptoms 1.         Dry cough at longer period than usual 2.         cough with mucus 3.         Coughing up blood, but blood is often mixed with sputum. 4.         Pneumonia, fever, chest pain 5.         Weight loss, loss of appetite, paleness, fatigue 6.         Hoarseness due to the spreading of cancer to the nerves around the larynx. 7.         Swollen face, neck, arms and upper chest due to papules. 8.         Difficulty in breathing and panting as the cancer grows. It causes lung space to get lessen which leads to insufficient of oxygen for the needs of the body. 9.         Difficulty in swallowing due to esophageal is pressurized. 10.       Pain due to spreading of cancer to bone, chest wall, etc. 11.       Paralysis due to spreading of cancer to the brain or spinal cord   Diagnosis 1.         by x-ray (lungs). 1.         2. by examining the coughed-up sputum, looking for cancer cells. Therefore, the smokers who have a chronic cough and people with ages 40-50 years and over should be examined according to the aforementioned method once a year. Treatment In general, the main principles of cancer treatment are: •          Surgery •          2. Radiation therapy   Prevention There are several causes that promote the development of lung cancer. Some causes are difficult to prevent but one of the major causes from smoking is something that can be prevented by quitting. This will reduce the rate of lung cancer development, having a healthy life, and free from diseases caused by smoking.   For more information, please contact “Medicine department”, Vibhavadi hospital. Tel 0-2561-1111 (1221-2)

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