Food for your hair

Hair is an important component of our face. Having healthy and beautiful hair enhances our personality. Therefore, we would like to recommend foods that help nourish our hair and scalp.   1. Salmon is not only a source of important protein, vitamin B12, and iron, but it is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the scalp. Lack of this nutrient can cause dry scalp and hair.   2. Green leafy vegetables such as kale or broccoli are a major source of vitamins A and C, which are essential for sebum production, the natural hair conditioner that keeps hair healthy. They also contain iron and calcium.   3. Various types of beans such as lentils and kidney beans are rich in protein that helps hair growth and are a source of iron, zinc, and biotin. The lack of biotin can cause hair brittleness. Hard-shell beans such as Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, an important mineral for the scalp. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that helps nourish hair. Mung beans, peanuts, and almonds are rich in copper, which, if lacking, can cause hair loss.   4. Chicken meat is a high-quality protein source that helps maintain healthy hair. Lack of protein can cause hair to become brittle, and severe protein deficiency can lead to hair loss.   5. Eggs are a good source of protein. Additionally, they contain biotin and vitamin B12, which are important for hair health.   6. Whole grains are rich in important minerals such as zinc, iron, and vitamin B which are essential for hair health.   7. Low-fat dairy products are an important source of calcium, which is a key mineral for promoting long hair. They also contain whey and casein, which are high-quality proteins.   8. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is good for the scalp. The important thing is to have a varied diet and not rely on any one type of food.   Source: HealthToday Magazine

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Silent Danger of Steroids that You Should Know

A few weeks ago, the author had the opportunity to take a friend to see a doctor because she had small red bumps resembling pimples that spread widely on her chest to the base of her neck, causing unbearable itching all the time, which was very annoying.   Silent Danger of Steroids that You Should Know   A few weeks ago, the writer had the opportunity to take a friend to see a doctor because she had small red bumps resembling pimples that spread widely on her chest to the base of her neck, causing unbearable itching all the time, which was very annoying. Finally, the doctor diagnosed that the symptoms were caused by taking medication containing an excessive amount of "steroids". Because this friend often had allergic rashes, she usually received a set of medications when she visited a clinic near her house. When she took them, the itching or bumps disappeared quickly. Although steroids have benefits in treating various diseases, they must be used with caution. Otherwise, they may become a silent danger lurking in the body instead. Let's take a brief look at what steroids can do to our bodies.   What is steroid? Steroid is a cortisol, which is a hormone that the body produces naturally from the adrenal glands. It is beneficial for controlling and storing energy from carbohydrates and proteins that we consume, helping to regulate the body's condition when experiencing stress, reducing inflammation in the body, and affecting the division of muscles, bones, and blood vessels. Therefore, the body cannot be without steroids.   Side effects of steroids:   As mentioned earlier, steroid is quite beneficial. Therefore, drugs or synthetic substances have been developed for long-term use, which may cause side effects as follows:   Gastrointestinal disorders that can cause bleeding in the digestive tract Anemia Moon face Accumulation of fat in the back and neck (buffalo hump) Central obesity Abnormal breast development in women (hirsutism) Skin cracking along the body (red striae)   In addition to all the symptoms mentioned earlier, there are also other side effects such as increased susceptibility to infection, high blood sugar levels, and even osteoporosis. In the case of the writer's friend, they also have acne caused by high levels of steroid in the body, which makes the skin thin, the pores wide, and the oil easily clogged, leading to inflammation. Finally, the doctor instructed them not to take or use any medication that contains steroid because it accumulates toxins in the liver, making it unable to produce antibodies, making the body weak and susceptible to infection, especially for those who have allergies. It can cause itching and skin rashes more easily, while also suppressing the immune system, causing various illnesses to appear without any symptoms. In the end, the disease can spread throughout the body and become severe.   In summary, although steroid has its benefits, it can be harmful if used improperly. Therefore, using medication containing steroid under close medical supervision is the safest way. Otherwise, the body may be harmed without realizing it.   Did you Know? Common sources where steroid mixing is often found include bolus pills, traditional medicines, and even drug sets obtained from drug stores, which often come in various colors. Therefore, consumers should avoid taking unregistered drugs and should be under the care of a physician.   Source: Healthy Tips Magazine

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Iron-willed heart (Love you my Sweet heart)

Iron-willed heart (Love you my Sweet heart)   What foods are in your diet that help make your heart strong and protect it from illness? Let's explore a bit about the heart.   Did you know that no matter how strong our bodies are, if the heart is weak, it can easily break like a flimsy paper, just like how a soft breeze can blow it away (ha!). Let's start with some good information to protect your loved ones. Let's investigate what types of food in your diet can help make your heart strong and protect it from illness.   Super Garlic Garlic is a type of food that if you don't love it, you'll hate it. Those who like to eat it can even eat it raw. But if you hate it, just a faint smell can make you feel nauseous. Congratulations to those who enjoy eating garlic because it is a supplement that does not need to be bought monthly or in a jar, as garlic contains nutrients that help improve blood circulation. This definitely does good when choosing good blood circulation, along with controlling blood pressure, the circulation system of the heart works smoothly and clearly, far from problems of congestion in the blood vessels.   Don’t miss out on tomatoes As mentioned many times, food and fat are the most important things that affect health. When there is good fat in the body, it is good. When there is too much cholesterol, you will be fat and sick. I want to tell you that bright red tomatoes are very good for reducing bad fats and lowering cholesterol. If tomatoes used to be just a side dish, now they must be elevated to the main dish because tomatoes can stop problems caused by bad fats very well.   Chocolate for you, my heart             The ultimate popular gift for the festival of love, chocolate is a charming and exotic confectionery that can be bitter, overly sweet, or even cause weight gain when consumed. However, in the end, we all know that research often agrees that chocolate is a sweet treat that brings happiness to the brain and relaxes the mind, with the important factor being the efficiency of flavonoids. Just two ounces of dark chocolate can provide you with antioxidants that protect against heart disease, including clogged heart arteries.   Black tea, not black heart At each meal, you probably have a favorite beverage that complements your food. Some choose sweet water while others prefer drinks with degrees. I would like to recommend trying the beverage category of tea, especially black tea without added sugar. Just two ounces per week of black tea can help expand your blood vessels, allowing blood to nourish and supply the heart. Additionally, it contains free radicals that help prevent diseases and support overall heart health.   Salmon for your  heart You already know that fish, whether fresh or saltwater, is good for your health and for weight loss because it is low in fat. But did you know that the most beneficial fish of all is salmon, and the best part of it is the good fat it contains, specifically omega-3 fatty acids? These are useful for the growth and development of children, as well as for the nervous system, which helps your brain function efficiently. And the best thing for your heart is that by eating salmon twice a week, you can help strengthen your heart, making it healthy day and night.   Even though the heart is not a stone, it may be soft or strong at times. Believe that if you take care of it fully, whether it's about your heart, health, or love, it will be strong and able to overcome any obstacles.   Source: Healthy Tips Magazine

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The miracle of 5 twins with the role of a mother..beginner

Since the magazine's last issue, we have interviewed the Sribanchawan family who successfully gave birth to quintuplets (2 boys and 3 girls) through in vitro fertilization with the help of the fertility and laparoscopy center at Vibhavadi Hospital. The five siblings are now almost three months old and are adorable and charming. The father and mother of the quintuplets, Mr. Patumpon and Mrs. Gaeokung Sribanchawan, told us that all of their children are healthy and developing well, and they are easy to care for. As August is the month of Mother's Day, we also interviewed the new mother, Mrs. Gaeokung Sribanwongsa, to ask about her experience in raising five infants and to share some cute pictures of the quintuplets.   (The older of the two girls is named Evi, the second girl is named Ally, the third boy is named Andrew, the fourth boy is named Andriu, and the fifth girl is named Emma.)   How are all five of them doing now?   Right now, they are almost 4 months old and healthy, all of them have been breastfed. We have hired 3 nannies and also have the help of a grandmother and myself taking care of all five of them.   When do twins cry the most and get fussy?   They usually cry together when they are hungry and have stomach aches. Their father often says that when the twins cry together, it sounds like a melody.   Have you started planning how to raise the children?   The plan for now is that if they grow up a bit more, we may need to move to a new home, and we may consider sending them to school nearby. I will raise them to the best of my ability and in the same ordinary way that my mother raised me. However, what we have done so far is that their father bought a new van to make transportation easier.   Does their father help with the care?   Usually, their father has to go to work, but when he comes back, he helps take care of them. He helps hold all five of them, which is the most he can do.   What plans do you have for your children's future?   We haven't really made any plans. As they grow up, they can do whatever they want and study whatever they want. We don't want to impose anything on them. We just want them to be good people and not create problems for society, and that's enough for us.   Do you want to have more children in the future?   I've talked to my husband and we do want to have more children, maybe 1 or 2 more, so that our twins can have younger siblings. But we'll probably wait for another 4-5 years until they're older.   As a young mother and a new mother at that, how do you feel about having to raise five twins?   I feel very tired, but it's the happiest exhaustion ever. The more I see them grow up every day, the happier I am. But I may be lucky to have older siblings and grandparents to help with the care. When it comes time to travel with them, there must be a plan before because it can be very chaotic, such as when I have to take them to see a doctor at Vibhawadi Hospital, I have to take turns with the children each day. But overall, our family is very happy.   As for these five twins, they are truly a miracle, and whenever there is a miracle, it will only bring happiness. The Fertility Center at Vibhawadi Hospital is proud to be a part of making the Sribanchawan family complete and happy.

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Tips for driving in rainy season

Tips for driving in rainy season            I believe that many people enjoy traveling during the rainy season because it's the time when fields, forests, and nature are lush and green. Therefore, the rainy season is the best time for those who love to travel in nature. However, traveling during this time can be unsafe for those who use the roads, so we have some simple tips for you who love to travel during the rainy season.   1. When it's raining or after the rain stops, some parts of the road may have standing water, so you need to be more careful while driving. Driving at high speed through areas with standing water can be extremely dangerous as it can cause the car to skid or lose control easily. In addition, the water can splash up and cover the windshield, making it difficult to see the road ahead, which is very dangerous.   2. If there are areas with standing water near pedestrian walkways, it's good to drive slowly and be cautious to avoid splashing water onto people walking on the sidewalks. It's a common courtesy that you should practice.   3. While driving through water, it is recommended to use a low speed to prevent water from entering the explosive point system and causing the engine to stall. Also, it is advised to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you when driving through flooded areas, especially when driving large vehicles, to prevent wave turbulence from causing the engine to stall. This is considered proper driving etiquette.   4. After driving through water or flooded roads, the effectiveness of the brake system may decrease from its original state. Lightly tapping the brakes while driving helps to dry the brake discs or drums, as well as the brake pads. However, it is important to be cautious of the car behind you and brake at the right moment to avoid accidents.   5. When the rainy season is over, it is recommended to change the brake fluid every year or when necessary, because the increase of moisture in the brake fluid by 1% by weight reduces its boiling point by 30-50 degrees Celsius, costing 100-200 baht to replace the brake fluid. However, it significantly increases safety while braking.   This simple tip can help make your travels safer and avoid accidents, while also enjoying your trip to the fullest. Thank you for the information from

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS is an Insidious Disease

Muscular Dystrophy or ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), a hidden threat   Droopy eyelids, weak arms and legs are symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy, a hidden danger caused by the body's immune system working abnormally. Muscular Dystrophy is more common in women than men, especially in young adults, with an average of 3 people per 100,000 population, making it a hidden danger. Although the outside may still look healthy, the internal muscular condition may be gradually weakening.   At present, it is not clear why nerve cells carrying commands are deteriorating, but it is assumed that Muscular Dystrophy, ALS, is caused by multiple factors that lead to the disease.   What is ALS? The abbreviation ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a disease that is not directly related to muscles, but is a result of abnormalities in the nerve cells that carry commands, causing muscle weakness due to the lack of nerve cells to control them. These nerve cells are found in the spinal cord and brain, and they gradually deteriorate and die. Because ALS is a disease caused by abnormalities in motor neurons, it is also known as motor neuron disease (MND) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In the United States, this disease is known as Lou Gehrig's disease, named after the famous baseball player who was diagnosed with the disease in 1930.   Cause of Disease: Currently, it is still uncertain why nerve cells degenerate due to loss of command. It is assumed that the disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), is caused by several factors that lead to the disease. These include certain genetic factors that are not yet fully understood, making nerve cells more vulnerable to deterioration than others. Environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins like insecticides, heavy metals, radiation, or certain types of viruses can stimulate nerve cells to malfunction. In addition, aging contributes to the deterioration of cells over time, which is due to mitochondria, the battery that powers the cells, being abnormal. However, these assumptions have not been clearly proven.   Who is at risk: In the UK, ALS is found in every 100,000 people, with approximately 2 people per year. The average age of onset of the disease is between 60-65 years old. Therefore, the likelihood of developing ALS in older individuals is greater than in younger ones. Generally, the disease is more commonly found in women than men, with approximately 1.5 times more prevalence. Additionally, about 90% of ALS patients do not have a clear genetic cause, so individuals with no clear family history have a very low risk of developing the disease in future generations. Moreover, there is no clear evidence that athletes are more susceptible to the disease than other professions.   Symptoms and Progression of the Disease: At the onset, the patient will experience weakness in the muscles of one side of the body, such as the hand, arm, leg, or foot. For example, they may not be able to lift their arm above their head, hold objects, or may experience dropping of the wrist or ankle. They may also have difficulty walking, climbing stairs, or getting up from a seated position. The muscle weakness will gradually worsen until it affects both sides. Some patients may experience weakness in both arms or legs from the beginning. In addition to muscle weakness, there may also be muscle atrophy and twitching. Some patients may first see a doctor because of breathing difficulties due to weak respiratory muscles, blurred speech, or choking.   Some patients may be diagnosed with weak respiratory muscles at their first doctor's visit, which causes easy fatigue, especially when lying down or waking up in the middle of the night. Because the symptoms of ALS are similar to those of other diseases, patients with ALS in the early stages may be diagnosed with other diseases. As the symptoms worsen, the patient will have muscle weakness and atrophy in the arms, legs, and speech muscles, causing difficulty in swallowing and eventually requiring a feeding tube. Breathing muscles may also become weak to the point of requiring a ventilator. There is currently no cure for ALS, and approximately 50% of patients die within about 2 years after experiencing symptoms. The cause of death is often due to respiratory failure and pneumonia, resulting from aspiration.   How to diagnose ALS, a muscle weakness disease? As ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is an incurable disease, its diagnosis is important and must be conducted by a neurologist specializing in geriatrics, who has experience in taking medical history, performing physical examinations, and conducting further laboratory investigations. Additional laboratory tests, such as nerve conduction studies and electromyography, can help support the diagnosis of ALS.   Once diagnosed with the disease, how should you manage it? Once diagnosed with the disease, it is important to receive quality care and encouragement from caregivers and family members, as this will help the patient to not lose hope and maintain a good quality of life. In the future, there may be advancements in the treatment of ALS, similar to other types of neurological diseases.   Currently, the only medication accepted in the medical field to slow down the progression of ALS is Riluzole (Rilutek), which has the ability to inhibit glutamate, a neurotransmitter that, if too much is present, can cause cell death. There is currently no evidence to support the use of other medications or stem cell therapy for treating ALS.   In addition to medication, managing the disease through a holistic approach is also important for overall health benefits, such as regular exercise, engaging in activities and physical therapy to strengthen weakened muscles, preventing contractures that may result from lack of muscle use, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest. If the patient has difficulty lying down or becomes fatigued due to weakened respiratory muscles, the use of non-invasive ventilation devices at home can help the patient sleep comfortably and improve their quality of life.   Soft and weak muscles (dangerous) if left untreated can lead to complications! The danger of muscular dystrophy is that patients can still perform daily activities normally at the beginning of the day, but gradually muscle weakness can occur. If the patient takes a short break or stops using the affected muscles, they can recover and use them normally again. However, it is better if the patient does not allow the symptoms of muscle weakness to recur repeatedly, as the severity of the disease can lead to other complications such as:   Respiratory failure due to abnormal respiratory muscle function Toxic thyroid syndrome due to abnormal thyroid gland function Risk of aspiration due to abnormal throat muscle function Risk of autoimmune disease or lupus (SLE)   If you or someone close to you experience any symptoms of muscular dystrophy, it is recommended to take a break and seek medical diagnosis and treatment to prevent the possibility of complications.   Best wishes from Vibhavadi Hospital. Information source: Daily News.

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Why do adults need to get vaccinated?"

Why do adults need to get vaccinated?" Many people think that vaccines are only for children, but vaccines are necessary for people of all ages to prevent diseases that can lead to death, such as influenza, pneumonia, and tetanus. The need for vaccines depends on various factors, including:   1. Gender - For some vaccines, such as the HPV vaccine, it is recommended that males who engage in sexual activity also receive this vaccine.   2. Age - Everyone over the age of 50 is recommended to receive a vaccine to prevent pneumonia, as this disease can be life-threatening if contracted.   3. Occupation - Some professions require specific vaccines, such as healthcare workers, nurses, or those who care for elderly patients, who are required to receive multiple vaccines to prevent the spread of diseases like the flu, pertussis, hepatitis B, and measles, or veterinarians who are required to receive a vaccine to prevent rabies.   4. People who are at higher risk of contracting certain diseases, such as cancer patients, those who have undergone chemotherapy, patients with chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or liver disease, and those with weak immune systems, should receive vaccines to protect against diseases more than the general population. Some of the vaccines recommended for these groups include influenza, pneumococcal, and hepatitis B vaccines.   The outbreaks of various diseases often occur during the rainy season. Vibhavadi Hospital recommends the following vaccinations: Influenza vaccine, which provides immunity two weeks after receiving the vaccine. Pneumococcal vaccine, which prevents pneumococcal infections (pneumonia). Vaccines against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, which are currently experiencing an outbreak in the northeastern region of Thailand. However, don't forget that it's more important to eat hot food, use a middle spoon, and wash your hands, which can help reduce the spread of disease or the risk of infection.   Best wishes from Vibhavadi Hospital.

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The H7N9 avian influenza outbreak in China

The H7N9 avian influenza outbreak in China is a disease that has caught the world's attention as it is caused by a virus that is considered highly pathogenic and is responsible for high mortality rates. The Bureau of Epidemiology of the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Public Health has explained that the avian influenza virus has two major genetic groups, Hemagglutinin (H) and Neuraminidase (N), which can be further subdivided. H has 16 subgroups and N has nine subgroups, and viruses are identified using a code, such as H5N1 or H7N9. The virus can also mix with various proteins.   For the groups of viruses found in humans, they are in the H1, H2, and H3 groups. The groups of viruses found in animals are H5 and H7, which are highly pathogenic and can cause large numbers of animals to die. If it crosses over to humans, it can cause severe illness, and those infected usually experience fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and severe pneumonia.   The WHO Collaborating Center in China recommends that Neuraminidase Inhibitors (Oseltamivir and Zanamivir) can still be used to treat those infected, as the influenza vaccine in 2013 did not prevent the H7N9 strain that is currently spreading in China.   Therefore, taking precautions to prevent the spread of the H7N9 influenza is necessary, and it can be easily done by:   Washing hands frequently with soap and water, or using alcohol gel to sanitize them. Avoiding sharing drinking glasses, straws, spoons, hand towels, face towels, or any other personal items with others. Avoiding close contact with people who have symptoms of the flu, or wearing a mask if it cannot be avoided. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and exercise regularly. Avoiding crowded places and poorly ventilated areas for an extended period if not necessary. Following other guidelines from the Ministry of Public Health closely.   With best wishes, Vibhavadi Hospital.

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Management... for heart disease patients

Management... for heart disease patients   It is well-known that exercise is beneficial for both physical and heart health, and can help prevent heart disease as well as extend the lives of heart disease patients. Exercise has many benefits, with two main objectives:   To reduce disease progression and increase the lifespan of patients To maintain or improve physical health close to or similar to before the onset of heart disease Before exercising or participating in any sports, all patients should consult with their doctor and exercise within their limits. During the initial stages of exercise, it is important to start slowly, not rush, take breaks when feeling tired or chest tightness, and gradually increase the duration of exercise until being able to exercise for at least 15 minutes continuously every day. It is also important to warm up and cool down before and after exercising, which is essential and should be done every time.   Although exercise is good for the heart and overall health, there are still risks for heart disease patients. Therefore, after being evaluated by a doctor, exercise should be done with caution, gradually increasing the intensity, and assessing their own physical capabilities to strengthen their physical fitness, improve their quality of life, and extend their lifespan, even if they have heart disease.

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Stomach Cancer

Talking about stomach cancer, it may come with symptoms that resemble those of stomach ulcers, which is important to diagnose the disease quickly for effective treatment. It is commonly found in people over 40 years old, and more often in men than women. In Thailand, endoscopic examination of patients with symptoms of stomach disease found that stomach cancer is a cause of stomach ulcers in about 2% of cases. Symptoms of stomach ulcers include abdominal pain, bloating, or indigestion, usually around the tongue to the esophagus, early satiety, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, and black or bloody stools. If these symptoms are present, it is recommended to see a doctor for a clear and definitive diagnosis of the cause.   What are the symptoms of stomach cancer? Symptoms may be similar to stomach ulcers, such as cramping pain around the tongue before or after eating, but the symptoms may persist for a long time without improvement even with medication. If the condition is severe, there may be bleeding in the stomach, black stools, or vomiting blood. Sometimes, a lump may be palpable in the abdomen in the later stages of the disease that does not go away with treatment. Therefore, if stomach ulcers do not improve with treatment, it is important to see a doctor and have endoscopic examination.   Risk factors The risk factors for stomach cancer include genetic abnormalities, Helicobacter pylori infection, presence of polyps in the stomach lining, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, consumption of certain fermented animal products such as sausage, ham, salted fish, or grilled meat, diets high in salt or low in vitamin C.   Diagnosis The diagnosis of stomach cancer involves endoscopy and biopsy, which are highly accurate. Treatment for stomach cancer often involves surgery and can be curative in early-stage cases. Surgery can also help alleviate symptoms for patients with advanced-stage cancer.   Prevention Prevention of stomach cancer currently has no clear data, but some risk factors can be addressed, such as treating Helicobacter pylori infection, avoiding pickled and salty foods, grilled or barbecued foods, and consuming foods high in vitamin C or carotene, quitting smoking and avoiding alcohol. Avoiding these risk factors may reduce the risk of stomach cancer, but there is no clear evidence. Therefore, if you have symptoms of stomach cancer for more than 4 weeks, you should see a doctor for proper treatment.   Indicators for investigating the cause Age or taking medication for about 2 weeks and the condition does not improve.   With best regards from the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center, Vibhavadi Hospital.

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