Diagnosing an enlarged heart with the echocardiogram

Diagnosing an enlarged heart with the echocardiogram How can an enlarged heart be diagnosed? A high-frequency sound wave test called an echocardiogram can provide initial insight. Enlarged heart is a condition in which the heart is larger than normal. It can be classified into two major types: enlargement due to thicker muscle than usual, which is similar to bodybuilders who have larger muscles due to heavy physical work, and enlargement due to the heart being forced to work harder, such as in the case of high blood pressure or valve problems. In addition, there are many diseases that can cause the heart to enlarge, such as diabetes and thickening of the heart muscle without a known cause. Enlarged heart does not necessarily cause any abnormal symptoms. If symptoms occur, they will be due to the underlying disease or heart failure, such as easy fatigue, shortness of breath, or chest tightness. Physical examination can determine if the heart is enlarged, but usually, it is more important to find the cause of the enlargement rather than just the size of the heart. Essential tests include an electrocardiogram and a chest X-ray (for the heart and lungs). If the heart muscle is significantly thicker than usual or has had previous problems with dead muscle tissue, it will be evident from the electrocardiogram. However, it is not always clear from an electrocardiogram alone what is causing the heart to be enlarged, and further tests may be necessary.   Diagnosis: There is no single best method for diagnosis without any limitations, but currently, the most widely accepted method for examining the size of the heart is echocardiography, which is the examination of the heart using high-frequency sound waves. The principle is that the tool will send high-frequency sound waves through various parts of the organs, and these sound waves will reflect back. The ability to reflect back depends on the type of tissue it passes through, such as blood, bone, and muscle, which give different signals of reflection. The computer will record these reflections and create an image of the organ that the doctor is examining. Therefore, if the heart is examined, the doctor can see the heart chamber, measure its size, observe the function of the heart valve, see the heart muscle, and the ability to contract. Thus, this type of examination provides more details than other types of examinations. However, this examination does not show the blood vessels that nourish the heart, and the image may not be clear in obese or pulmonary disease patients (except for examination through the esophagus).   Who should get tested: Individuals who should undergo this examination are those with symptoms of heart failure, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or those whose physical examination shows abnormal heart function. This examination is also recommended for those whose X-rays show that their heart is larger than normal to confirm if it is truly enlarged. However, the decision to perform this examination depends on the individual's condition and the physician's judgment. For patients at risk for coronary artery disease, such as those with diabetes, if their X-rays show that their heart is enlarged, they should also undergo a detailed examination. This is because the image may not be clear enough to determine the actual size of the heart, and further examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis.   Treatment: Treating an enlarged heart involves treating the underlying cause, such as managing high blood pressure, performing heart valve surgery, or treating heart failure. Although treatment may not visibly reduce the size of the heart on X-rays in some cases, it can help prevent the heart from continuing to enlarge over time.

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"Antibiotics" vs "Anti-inflammatory" for treating inflammation

"Antibiotics" vs "Anti-inflammatory" for treating inflammation   Most people have probably had experience taking one of these two types of drugs, such as when experiencing a sore throat, upset stomach, painful urination, or a wound. In the case of illnesses like arthritis, tendonitis, or muscle inflammation caused by accidents or sports injuries, they may also be given drugs to alleviate inflammation. How do these drugs for inflammation differ, and can they be used interchangeably?   In general, inflammation in the body can have many causes, both infectious and non-infectious, so it is important to consider what is causing the inflammation when using drugs to treat it.   In cases where inflammation is caused by infection, such as in a sore throat, upset stomach, painful urination, or wound, the drugs prescribed will be antibiotics, which kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. Examples include penicillin, tetracycline, sulfa drugs, cloramphenicol, and kanamycin. These antibiotics generally need to be taken for the full course prescribed by a doctor to be most effective and prevent the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.   Non-infectious inflammation requires different medications depending on the cause. For example, in the case of muscle or tendon inflammation from playing sports or accidents, the medication used will be anti-inflammatory drugs that have pain-relieving effects without inhibiting any infection. These drugs are typically classified into two groups: steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The latter is the more commonly used group, which includes drugs such as Ibuprofen (trade names: Brufen®, Gofen®), Diclofenac (trade name: Voltaren®), and Mefenamic acid (trade name: Ponstan®), which are commonly used by women for menstrual pain. Aspirin is the oldest drug in this group, and it is typically known to irritate the stomach, so it should be taken with food and plenty of water.   Many patients misunderstand that anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics are the same thing. Mixing up these two types of medication can be dangerous, especially because both types of medications can be bought at regular pharmacies. Some patients may buy antibiotics for non-bacterial infections, or confuse them with anti-inflammatory drugs. This can not only be ineffective, but also lead to adverse effects. Moreover, incorrect usage or dosing instructions can also lead to misunderstandings. For example, a patient with myositis (muscle inflammation) who receives anti-inflammatory medication may mistakenly think that they need to take the medication continuously until the symptoms disappear, which can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, high blood pressure, edema, or kidney damage. If patients misunderstand that all anti-inflammatory medications should be taken continuously until they run out, they may also take anti-inflammatory medication for myositis continuously until it is all gone, even if their symptoms have already resolved. This is unnecessary medication use.   Danger from incorrect use of antibiotics: Allergic reactions: If the allergy is not severe, there may only be itching and a rash. If it becomes severe, the skin may become blistered or peeled, or it may even lead to death.   Development of drug-resistant infections: The use of antibiotics may stimulate bacteria to mutate into drug-resistant strains. This requires the use of newer, more expensive antibiotics, of which only a few types are available. Eventually, there may be no available treatment, leading to death.   Occurrence of complications: Antibiotics kill both disease-causing and beneficial bacteria in our gut. When the beneficial bacteria die, other harmful bacteria are given the opportunity to grow, leading to various complications such as severe inflammation of the intestines, where the intestinal walls are destroyed and excreted with feces. This can be life-threatening.   Therefore, if you are sick and need to see a doctor and receive antibiotics, carefully read the label and understand it. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist for the most effective and safe use of antibiotics.   Vibhavadi Hospital Pharmacy Reference: • Drug Information Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. • Promotion of Rational Use of Antibiotics in Pharmacies project; Health Systems Research Institute.

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The many causes of knee joint deterioration

The many causes of knee joint deterioration Function of the knee joint Knee pain is a common problem that brings patients to seek out medical attention, because the knee joint is a weight-bearing joint that supports the body during activities such as standing, walking, running, and other daily activities, any abnormal sensations can be hard to ignore.   Therefore, when the knee joint moves, whether sitting or standing, it is more prone to deterioration. Treatment may require knee replacement surgery.   Causes of knee joint deterioration include the softening of bone cartilage from increased usage with age and other related factors such as: Genetics Overuse of the knee joint Poor health and excessive body weight Previous injury or illness that leads to faster knee deterioration.   How do you know if you have knee joint deterioration? • Increased knee pain when pressure is applied to the joint • Sitting or lying down can relieve knee pain • Joint stiffness in the morning that improves with walking • Knee pain may not be consistent • Greater knee swelling with increased knee joint deterioration • Knee joint deterioration over a long period of time can cause the joint to become deformed and limit flexibility in the leg muscles.   Best Practices: 1. Use of Cold or Hot Compress: • Use cold compress in cases of sudden swelling, especially within the first 24 hours after injury. Do not massage, rub, twist or pull during this period. • Use hot compress after 24 hours or in chronic cases.   2. Use of Elastic Bandage or Knee Support: Use an elastic bandage or knee support to help support the knee joint when necessary to move.   3. Resting the Knee Joint: Rest the knee joint or use walking aids such as crutches to reduce weight-bearing on the knee joint.   4. Knee Joint Care: • Avoid standing or walking excessively. • Use stairs only when necessary. • Reduce or control body weight to avoid excessive weight-bearing on the knee joint. • Avoid excessive bending or folding of the knee joint, such as avoiding sitting in a crossed-legged position, sitting on low chairs or kneeling. • Use walking aids. Exercise to strengthen the knee joint should be done when the pain has subsided.   Knee exercises: 1. Lying down Use a pillow to support your knee, straighten your knee and hold it stiff for 5-10 seconds, then release and alternate sides. Do 10-20 repetitions on each side.   2. Sitting You can do this by sitting cross-legged on the floor or on a table. Place your hand on the floor or table to support yourself or lean against a wall (if available). Straighten your knee and hold it stiff for 5-10 seconds, then release and alternate sides. Do 10-20 repetitions on each side.   3. Prone lying Bend your knee and hold it stiff for 5-10 seconds, then release and do 10-20 repetitions on each side.   4. Lying down with knees up against the bed Lie down and straighten your knee so that it touches the bed, hold it stiff for 5-10 seconds, then release and alternate sides. Do 10-20 repetitions on each side.   When exercising in each position, if you are able to perform the exercise well, you can use a sandbag to add weight to your ankle. Start with a small amount of weight and a small number of repetitions, such as 0.5-2.0 kilograms, depending on your age and fitness level.   However, if you experience increased pain or your condition worsens, you should consult a doctor. Treatment options vary and may include knee replacement surgery.

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Management of neck pain

Management of neck pain Causes of neck pain: Inflammation of the muscle tissue group, with tender points on the side of the neck near the lower spine, causing pain from the neck to the head. Headaches can also occur. This is found in approximately 90% of cases. Direct or indirect impact on the cervical vertebrae, such as various accidents. Degeneration of the cervical vertebrae with calcification around the edges of the bones, causing nerve pain that spreads to the shoulder and arm. This is found in approximately 5% of cases. Incorrect posture of the neck, such as sitting with your head down for long periods of time, or sitting and watching TV for too long, causing fatigue. Sleeping with a pillow that is too high can also cause neck pain. Stress or insufficient rest.   Symptoms: Neck pain that may radiate down to the shoulder, arm, hand, or on one side of the spine. Numbness in the arm or fingers may also occur, and the sensation may change. Limited movement of the neck, stiffness, or pain when moving to the maximum range. Stiffness of the muscles at the base of the neck or tender points at the base of the neck and spine. Headaches may occur gradually.   Recommendations for managing neck pain: Sleep with a low pillow or one that supports the neck and a small pillow under the shoulder if needed. Avoid sleeping on a sofa or in a chair as it may cause strain on the neck. If placing your hand underneath your neck while sleeping, there should be no gap. Avoid sudden and forceful movements or quick rotations of the neck. Apply a warm compress for 20-30 minutes or use a hot pad to the neck while also performing neck exercises. Take breaks when sitting for long periods of time to reduce muscle tension or strain on the neck. Adjust office equipment such as computer screens to be at eye level. Use a neck and headrest while driving. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. Neck exercises:   These exercises help increase neck mobility and strengthen neck muscles to improve joint support. Slowly lower and lift the head. Look straight ahead and tilt your head to the side towards your shoulder. Alternate sides. Look straight ahead and turn your head slowly to the right and left. Note: Each exercise should be repeated 10 times. Strengthening the muscles involves contracting the muscles against each other without movement for 5-10 seconds. Neck muscles: Push the hands against the forehead, while the head resists and remains straight. Then, push the hands on the back of the head while the head resists and remains straight. Side neck muscles: Place one hand on the side of the head and push the head to the opposite side, while the head resists and remains straight. Neck rotation muscles: Place one hand on the cheekbone and push as if the face is rotating, while the head resists and remains straight.   Stretching muscles to reduce tension:    For the upper back and shoulders: Sit on a chair, hold the chair with one hand, place the other hand on the side of the head and bring the head down and to the opposite shoulder, hold for 10 seconds, then return to the neutral position. For the upper neck and back of the head: Clasp hands behind the head and press the head backward, hold for 10 seconds, then release gradually. Repeat.  For the shoulder blade muscles: Place one hand on the opposite shoulder and push the elbow back, hold for 10 seconds. Lift the arm to the opposite side and push the elbow forward, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times, three times a day.

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5 things to know before eating durian

5 things to know before eating durian   Do you know that durian, although delicious and nutritious, can be dangerous to your health if not eaten properly? Therefore, before eating durian, let's read "5 things to know before eating durian" first. Durian is a high-calorie fruit because 4-6 durian seeds provide as much as 400 calories, equivalent to 2 cans of soda or a full plate of rice. Therefore, enjoy it in moderation to avoid gaining weight. Durian has a very high sugar content, so people with diabetes should avoid it. In addition to people with diabetes, those with high blood pressure, heart disease, and high cholesterol should also consume durian in moderation. Durian is a "hot" fruit, meaning it raises your body temperature when consumed. If you eat it with alcohol, such as liquor, beer, or any alcoholic beverage, it can be even more dangerous and potentially fatal as it will further raise your body temperature. Since durian provides a high amount of energy, it is recommended to avoid other high-energy foods, such as fried foods, coconut milk-based dishes, and other sweet and oily foods, on the same day as eating durian. If possible, exercise to burn off the extra energy gained from eating durian.   We do not prohibit the consumption of durian, but before eating it, we must be mindful of how much we eat and avoid overindulging.   Reference: www.sanook.com

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12 things you may not know about blood donations

12 things you may not know about blood donations   Many people already know that blood donation is beneficial in terms of helping human friends who need blood to treat illnesses and in times of emergency. But aside from the satisfaction of helping others, ‘blood donation’ also has interesting information that you may not know about.   If you think you see many people donating blood, you're wrong. The demand for blood is high, up to 5,000 units per day, while only 2,000 units are donated each day.   The number of people you see waiting to donate blood is actually only 3% of the entire population in Thailand.   Blood donated can be separated into different parts such as platelets, plasma, and red blood cells, and each of these parts can be used for different medical purposes, not just for surgical procedures.   Patients who need blood the most are those who require major surgeries or have experienced accidents, and unfortunately, Thailand has a high incidence of accidents.   Donating blood can help stimulate bone marrow to produce new and high-quality blood cells that nourish the body, replacing old blood and ensuring its safety.   When we replace old blood with new blood, it helps new blood circulate better in the body and gives the skin a healthier and brighter appearance.   If you intend to donate blood regularly as recommended by the Thai Red Cross Society, you must take care of your health, including your diet, exercise, and rest, and avoid stress, to become a naturally healthy person.   When the body is strong, it can fight against various diseases, especially those that everyone fears like cancer. People who donate blood have a lower chance of getting cancer than those who have never donated blood.   Good mental health follows when we realize that we are doing something good for others, which brings happiness and satisfaction. It affects our mentality when we feel that we are valuable and useful to others by doing good things for society. It can also reduce the risk of depression.   We can donate blood up to four times per year without any risk to our body, or we can donate blood up to 212 times throughout our life.   The blood group that is in the highest demand is group AB, followed by groups A, B, and O according to the population ratio in the country.   Have you heard of the negative blood group? If you have Rh- blood type, it means that you use blood that most Thai people do not have (we call this blood group system Rh-, and it is more common in foreigners). If you or someone you know has Rh- blood, it is encouraged to donate blood together as this blood group is rare and special.   Reference: www.sanook.com

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Eyelid Spa for blocked eyelid oil glands

Eyelid Spa for blocked eyelid oil glands   Eyelid oil glands blockage can cause discomfort and dry eyes. Doing an eyelid spa; warming, massaging, and cleaning the eyelids can help treat inflamed eyelids caused by blocked eyelid oil glands.   Symptoms of inflamed eyelids due to blocked oil glands and eyelid inflammation (blepharitis) include itching, irritation, burning, dryness, and a need to blink frequently. These symptoms tend to worsen with age.   Causes:   Eyelid oil glands usually have a small opening for the oil to come out and lubricate the eye. If the gland becomes blocked, the oil will build up and cause inflammation. Therefore, people with blocked oil glands tend to have dry eyes as well.   Treatment - Eyelid Hygiene:   Cleaning the eyelids daily helps reduce symptoms and decrease the need for eye drops or artificial tears. The following steps can be taken:   Warm Compress - can be done using a warm compress device, a commercial hot pack, a thin white cloth soaked in warm water, boiled eggs, etc. Apply for 5 minutes to soften the oil and make it more liquid. The temperature used should be around 40 degrees Celsius. Test the temperature on the back of your hand to avoid overheating, which can be dangerous for the eyes. Repeat twice a day, morning and evening.   Eyelid Massage - when the fat has dissolved, you can use your fingertips to squeeze along the lines of the glands for 1 minute, squeeze from top to bottom for the upper eyelids, and squeeze from bottom to top for the lower eyelids to the opening of the Meibomian glands, it will help the fat to come out more easily.   Eyelid Scrub - you can use an eye-specific product or a mixture of children's shampoo and water to clean your eyes. This cleaning will help control diseases, reduce accumulated bacteria, and improve overall symptoms by reducing clogged and inflamed Meibomian glands.   With good wishes from the Ophthalmology and Lasik department of Vibhavadi Hospital.

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Eat, drink, move, and adjust your mood

Eat, drink, move, and adjust your mood   Why is my weight not decreasing? Why is my belly sticking out?   These are the nagging questions for women who are overweight, but the answer is not just exercising alone. Nutrition experts from Nestlé reveal secrets that women may not know about eating, drinking, moving, and adjusting their mood that will help improve their health.   Techniques for creating good health by eating and drinking right   1. Consume more breakfast than other meals   Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it is a source of energy that we need for many activities. Not only that, but breakfast also has many benefits that many people may not realize, such as:   People who skip breakfast are more likely to be obese than those who regularly eat breakfast by up to 4.5 times. This is because from dinner until the next morning, we have not eaten anything for almost 12 hours. If we skip breakfast, which is the first meal of the day, it will cause a decrease in blood sugar levels, leading to an increase in the tendency to consume high-energy and high-fat foods at lunch, while having less time to burn energy, which can lead to weight gain and possibly obesity.   Women who consume high-calorie breakfasts can control their weight better than those who consume other meals.   Children who regularly eat breakfast will have better memory skills and learning concentration. Research has found that eating breakfast provides enough nutrients and enhances the efficiency of brain function for learning and concentration, which can help in academic success.   2. Drink enough water to meet the body's daily needs.   Our body is made up of about 70% water, with every cell containing water as a component. Therefore, not drinking enough water may cause the body to automatically demand water, leading to health problems or illnesses such as fever. An easy technique for office workers is to keep a bottle of water nearby to sip on throughout the day to keep the body hydrated.   The appropriate amount of water intake for each person is calculated as their body weight (in kilograms) multiplied by 33, which equals the amount of water needed in milliliters. On average, the recommended amount of water intake is 2 liters per day.   3. It is recommended to 'reduce' the amount of food consumed during dinner, but not to 'skip' it.   Many people misunderstand that skipping dinner is a way to control their weight, but in reality, it is important to consume enough food to meet the body's needs throughout the day to provide continuous energy. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of food for dinner, which is to consume dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime to prevent the digestion and absorption of nutrients from affecting the body's resting time. Just reducing the amount of food intake during dinner can be beneficial. Furthermore, it is important to prioritize easily digestible foods with low fat content, such as fish and a variety of fruits and vegetables that provide different nutrients.   4. Reduce the amount of sugar consumed daily.   Excess body fat does not only come from consuming too much fatty food. A portion of it also comes from consuming too much sugar, as the body's mechanism turns the remaining sugar into accumulated fat. Sugar is therefore one of the causes of health problems and obesity. Therefore, we should control the amount of sugar our body consumes, choose foods that are less sweet, and compare nutritional labels before purchasing any processed food product, to help us select food with the appropriate nutritional value for our body's needs.   A simple way to calculate the amount of sugar in a drink is to divide the sugar content (in grams) on the nutritional label by 4 grams. We will know how much sugar is in the product per teaspoon.     Techniques for creating good health through movement   Research from Japan found that walking for 30 minutes immediately after eating can prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high, as well as preventing the conversion of sugar into fat, better than walking for the same amount of time an hour after eating. Increase the chance of exercising by waking up 15 minutes earlier, and move around to fun music. This is a way to wake up the body before engaging in other activities throughout the day. Change sitting positions or walk around during the workday. Sitting in one position for extended periods can cause harm to the body.     Techniques for achieving good health through "mood adjustment"   When physical health is strong, another essential component is happiness. We can find ways to relax ourselves every day by taking a 5-10 minute break from work every 2 hours. Another simple way to reduce stress is to "hug someone we love and trust." Hugging has an effect on increasing the release of oxytocin, a hormone of bonding, which boosts the immune system and also stimulates wakefulness.   With best wishes from Vibhavadi Hospital   Reference: Health Plus@City Magazine

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Easily create good mood and an active life

Easily create good mood and an active life   If you feel tired, sad, mentally exhausted, or often have bad mood, we have some easy health tips that come with hidden fun. We guarantee that just this much can improve your mood instantly. Let's take a look!   Start your meal with blue   Drink plain water with a blue tube, put fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables on a blue plate. Did you know that scientists from Canada discovered that this method can make the brain active, feel free, and think positively?   Plus: If you want to diet, try using a blue plate because the color blue will make you less likely to feel hungry.   Drink coffee before a 20-minutes nap   Studies have shown that this method helps relax the body, so when you sleep comfortably (even if you only sleep for 3 hours and are very sleepy), caffeine will help recharge the brain after waking up.   Take a little more nap   Sleeping longer will help the body burn more calories. This great advice comes from a study in a journal where researchers tested people who ate ice cream and fried potatoes to sleep for an extra 1.30 hours. They found that sleeping longer can reduce the desire for sweet and salty foods by 14% and 62%, respectively, because the brain’s desire for those foods will decrease.   Smell fruits   The scent of fruit will stimulate the body to choose fruit as a meal. For example, smelling pears before smelling sweet foods will make us choose to eat fruit more than sweets.   Eat Natural   We get strong sunlight in Thailand all year round. In addition to wearing sunscreen regularly, those who want to further protect their skin from UV rays should rely on their diet. Foods that can help protect your skin from UV rays include black grapes, blackcurrants, blueberries, spinach, soy milk, and yogurt.   Choose your coffee wisely   Limit yourself to one cup of coffee per day or an amount that suits you.   This cup should not be too big. It is recommended to drink black coffee, but if you want to add sweetness, add a little sugar.   Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach as caffeine can stimulate the release of stomach acid, causing discomfort.   It is better to drink coffee in the morning or in the afternoon to feel refreshed.   It is recommended to eat foods that are a good source of calcium, such as milk, yogurt, small fish, and kale, to replace the calcium lost in urine and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.   Best wishes from Vibhavadi Hospital   Reference: Dutchmill Magazine

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