When Your Child has Asthma

When Your Child has Asthma   If you suspect that your child has asthma, there are a few signs you should look out for. Your child may breathe faster and harder than usual, and you may hear a wheezing sound while they are breathing. Additionally, their chest may appear sunken and their nose may be flared. If your child can talk, they may tell you that they feel tired, have chest tightness, and that it is difficult for them to breathe. In more severe cases of asthma, your child may be too tired to speak and their lips may have a dark green color. If you are concerned that your child may have asthma, it is important to contact Asst. Prof. Apassorn Wattanasomsiri, Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Vibhavadi Hospital to receive further advice. How do you know your child has asthma? Your child will breathe faster and harder than usual. A wheezing sound may be heard while breathing, a sunken chest, and a flared nose may be seen. Children who can talk will say they are tired, have chest tightness, and have trouble breathing. If it's a lot, the child will be so tired that he doesn't have the energy to speak. May find that the lips have a dark green color. What is the difference between breathlessness and asthma?   Breathlessness can be caused by bronchitis, pneumonia, or aspiration of a foreign body into the trachea. Asthma is caused by narrowing of the bronchial tubes. when receiving stimulants May occur quickly and intermittently, improving immediately when receiving bronchodilators. But in young children, it may start with a cough. especially at night When there are more symptoms, it will be clearly panting.     Why does the child suffer from asthma? Oftentimes, frogs lack protection that has been inherited, leaving them particularly vulnerable to allergens such as dust mites, dandruff, pet hair, pollen, and cockroaches. Other non-allergenic factors such as exercise, addiction, respiratory viruses, and cigarette smoke can also trigger symptoms in Thai children. These allergens can be found on pillows, duvets, mattresses, and other household items.   Treatment for children with asthma Parents, it is important to take your child to see a doctor to see if the breathlessness they have is caused by asthma. If so, the doctor will give them bronchodilators, and in some cases may also prescribe oxygen. Your child's symptoms should improve over time and the doctor will check for any other diseases that may be present. The doctor will also recommend medications that can be taken at home, both in pill form and inhalation, as well as provide advice on how to manage asthma symptoms at home. It is important to continue to bring your child to receive treatment as needed.       Is it possible for my child to lead a normal life? What safety measures should I consider? Children with asthma are just like any other children, but they must be extra careful. Avoid anything that may trigger their symptoms, such as dust mites. Therefore, there should be no fluffy dolls or other items that collect dust in the bedroom. Bed linens should be washed in lukewarm water, around 60 degrees Celsius, for at least half an hour once a week, or a special type of bed cover may be used to prevent dust mites. The bedroom should be kept open to allow sunlight and fresh air during the day, and duvets and pillows should be taken out into the sun regularly. If vacuuming is necessary, adults should not smoke inside the house and pets should be kept outside, or at least not in the child's bedroom. Also, crowded and smoky places should be avoided, as well as children who are coughing and sneezing. In some cases, doctors may use a pulmonary function monitor to detect when the child is having an asthma attack and administer medication in a timely manner.       What actions should I take if my child is panting at home? Have your child rest in a well-ventilated area. Use the bronchodilators prescribed by your doctor and keep them with you at all times. Do not be alarmed if you continue to experience shortness of breath. If necessary, the medication can be repeated every 15 minutes, up to three times, and then you should seek medical attention as soon as possible to ensure a proper treatment plan.     Can I take my child to exercise?   During the symptom-free period, allow your child to exercise but start off slowly and don't overdo it. In some cases, a bronchodilator should be inhaled prior. Swimming is an ideal sport for children, especially in warm weather. When exercising in an atmosphere that is too dry and cold, it can make your child breath heavily. Ensure you don't push them to the point of exhaustion.   Can I prevent my child from having asthma? In order to build immunity to infectious diseases that can cause respiratory symptoms, it is recommended to breastfeed babies for a minimum of 4 months. To help prevent asthma attacks, one should try to stay away from other children who are sneezing or coughing, and to avoid dust, cigarette smoke, and allergens. In the case of an asthma attack, it is important to seek medical attention and to be aware of the appropriate steps to take to prevent recurrence of the attack.     When a child has asthma and needs to take medicine for an extended period of time, will there be adverse effects? Currently, doctors are attempting to administer bronchodilators as a spray which is directly inhaled into the lungs. This method is faster acting and requires a lower dosage than oral medication, so there is no need to be concerned about long-term effects. Steroid drugs, when prescribed and used in the right amount and manner under a doctor's supervision, are not hazardous.   by Asst. Prof. Apassorn Wattanasomsiri, M.D. Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Vibhavadi Hospital          

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What Can I Do to Help My Child Cough Up Phlegm?

            What Can I Do to Help My Child Cough Up Phlegm?   Asst. Prof. Apassorn Wattanasomsiri, Pediatric Respiratory Medicine at Vibhavadi Hospital, can help children with coughing and phlegm removal. Coughing is a condition that is caused by foreign bodies in the airways, such as dust or phlegm from the flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia. The body then attempts to get rid of the foreign substances by coughing. A chronic cough can be caused by the presence of mucus in the bronchi. What causes coughing? Coughing is a response to something unusual in the airways, such as dust, phlegm, or a virus. This is the body's way of expelling these foreign substances. However, a long-term cough can be caused by mucus buildup in the bronchi, which can be a symptom of illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia. What should you do when your child coughs? Sometimes you will find that your child coughs a lot but cannot stop. This is due to the very sticky sputum which remains in the bronchial tubes, similar to ketchup left at the bottom of the bottle. To help relieve this, you should put your child in a position which allows the sputum to flow easily, then tap gently to encourage it to escape from the trachea. Vigorous tapping and coughing, as well as vibrating the chest can also stimulate coughing and help to release the sputum. For young children who may not be able to spit out the sputum, a rubber ball number 1 can be used to help suck up the phlegm, allowing them to swallow it and let the body naturally expel it.       What should I do to help my child cough out phlegm? By encouraging your child to cough up mucus and drinking plenty of fluids, you can help make the mucus less adhesive.            Preparation: Prior to eating, it is important to blow your nose and expel any mucus in the nose and mouth. This should be done 1.5 to 2 hours before meals to prevent vomiting or choking. Sitting or standing in the correct posture will help to expel mucus from different parts of the lungs more efficiently. To achieve the best results, it is important to knock and vibrate in each position for 3-6 minutes, ensuring that the entire process does not exceed 15-30 minutes. If the child shows signs of fatigue or boredom during the process, they should take a break.            Sputum tapping: The principle behind Sputum Tapping is to use the vibration of the wind hitting the chest wall to cause sputum to escape the bronchi. To do so, a thin towel is placed on the area to be tapped and cupped hands with fingertips close together are used to gently tap the chest area at a frequency of three times per second in a circular or left-right motion. Often, the child receiving this technique will feel as comfortable as they would if they were receiving a massage, and some people can even fall asleep while tapping is occurring. To help with coughing, it is more difficult than simply knocking on the chest. If your parents are unable to do this, there is no need to worry. To create a vibration, place your palms on the chest of young children, or use one hand to cover the front and back of both sides for older children. Make sure to tense your shoulders, elbows and hands, and start to vibrate as you inhale and continue through your exhale. This will help to more effectively expel mucus from the lungs. To effectively cough, you must take a deep breath and then hold it for 1-2 seconds. This is to ensure the air has the power and range to dislodge the phlegm from all parts of the lungs. After this, you should cough 2-3 times in a row. Toys that require strong breathing, such as blowing balloons, soap bubbles or turbines, can be used to assist with this.   When do I need to help my child cough? How often should you do it? Generally, it should be done when waking up in the morning and before bedtime, as well as before lunch, afternoon, and night if necessary. If you have slept for a while and coughed a lot, it can help the child to sleep better. To know if your baby is improving, you should observe if they are coughing less and their noise is decreasing. Additionally, drinking milk and sleeping more can help in improving the symptoms. Are there any restrictions for patients with asthma? Yes, before coughing, the asthma symptoms should be improved first with bronchodilators. This will help keep the trachea open and the coughing process must not be too long or exhausting.   What are the consequences? compared The negative effects of phlegm retention are many and much more dangerous. Because phlegm is a good source of infection, it is found that the child will be sick with a fever. and the more the cough doesn't go away breathless could be pneumonia Flattened lungs from phlegm obstruction or emphysema Some people cough so much that their stomach hurts. Because coughing requires abdominal muscles and diaphragm. This may be helped by placing both hands together to apply slight pressure to the abdomen to help reduce pain. Sputum tapping part If done at the right time, posture and method, there will be no danger whatsoever. Can be done in newborns to older children. by adjusting the knocking force to suit the weight and shape At first, the child may not be used to singing. Later, I tend to like it because I learned that it made him more comfortable. There are many children who are fascinated by having their parents lull them to sleep by tapping their lungs every night in order to sleep comfortably.   Should cough medicine be given? If the child is coughing up sputum, taking cough suppressants could be detrimental because it may lead to sputum retention. However, taking cough medicines which open up the bronchial tubes or dissolve phlegm can be beneficial. Additionally, some decongestants contain ingredients which make mucous and phlegm stickier. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor for proper medication.   by Asst. Prof. Apassorn Wattanasomsiri, M.D. Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Vibhavadi Hospital

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Why does my child have a chronic cough?

          Why does my child have a chronic cough?   Parents may wonder why their child has a chronic cough if they have been sick with a cold. A chronic cough is defined as a cough that lasts more than 3 weeks continuously. Symptoms of a chronic cough can include coughing regularly, coughing with phlegm, and a rumbling sound in the throat. Some causes of chronic coughing are chronic nasal discharge, which can flow down from the nose to the throat. Asst. Prof. Apassorn Wattanasomsiri, Pediatric Respiratory Medicine Vibhavadi Hospital can help answer any questions parents may have about their child's chronic cough. What cause chronic cough? Some parents may be wondering why their children catch colds when they are sick. Coughing continuously for more than three weeks is considered a chronic cough. Symptoms of a chronic cough can include phlegm rumbling in the throat as well as coughing regularly. Part of this is caused by chronic nasal discharge which flows down from the nose to the throat. Groups of children found to have chronic runny nose can include allergic groups with nasal symptoms such as clear mucus in the evening, morning and night, sneezing and itchy eyes. Another cause of chronic runny nose is sinusitis, which is when the enlarged adenoids (lymph nodes behind the nasopharynx) block the flow of the sinus cavity and middle ear tube, leading to frequent ear infections.   How does sinusitis cause a chronic cough? The sinuses are air cavities with a small outlet into the nose. When a person has a cold or a child has allergies, this exit becomes blocked by the swollen nasal membrane, leading to the buildup of substances in the sinus cavity and inflammation. The child will then display a fever and thick, yellow or green snot that can last for a long time. Since the back of the nostril connects to the throat, the snot can run down the back of the throat. In many cases, parents may not even notice the snot due to its location. This mucus can then cause irritation and coughing. Children tend to cough more at night or in colder environments because when lying down, mucus and phlegm is more likely to drip down the throat. Cold, dry air also makes the mucus and phlegm sticky, which further exacerbates the issue. Additionally, in these conditions the small hairs in the respiratory tract are not as effective at blowing the mucus and phlegm out, leading to an accumulation of the substances and an increase in coughing. What should you do when your child coughs? A doctor should be consulted to determine the exact cause of the cough. If the diagnosis is sinusitis, antibiotics may be prescribed. Nasal decongestants and anti-inflammatory medications are used to treat allergies. However, nasal drops should only be used for a maximum of 4-5 days, as prolonged use can be risky. A safe alternative is to use saline nasal drops to clear the mucus, as mucus buildup is a major factor in coughing.   How is the nasal wash done? -     For young children, use 1-2 drops of saline, dripping into each nostril while the child is lying on their side. Keeping their face still will allow the salt water to reach the mucus, making it less sticky so it can be removed more easily. If the mucus is particularly thick, a red rubber ball No. 0-1 can be used to help draw it out. To do this, the ball should be inserted into the nostrils about 1-1.5 cm deep. In some cases, it may have to go up to 3-4 cm deep, but this must be done with extreme caution. -          If your child is older and the snot is not too thick, start by sitting up with the head slightly raised. Put 3-4 drops of a saline solution into each nostril and wait a few minutes before lowering the head to blow the nose. Do this a few times until the nose is clear, then repeat the same process on the other nostril. If the mucus is thick, it is recommended to use a 10 cc syringe (no needle) and slowly inject 5-10 cc of saline solution into each nostril while looking down and having a container to catch the mucus. Do not use too much force when injecting the saline solution. Blow the nose once the mucus has come out. Repeat the process on each side a few more times until the nose is clear. It is recommended to do this at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. If the nose is very congested or runny during the day, the process should be repeated.   Are there any risks associated with nasal irrigation? Most parents find that nasal suction is more comfortable and helps to clear the nose of their young child, leading to better sleep, less coughing and improved ability to eat milk and food. It is important to remember to perform the suction gently and to keep the face still. Older children should not blow their noses hard, but rather do so several times. If some drops fall into the throat, there is no danger.     What risks are there to allowing a child to have a runny nose and persistent coughing? In the case of asthma, a relapse is likely and treatment is often ineffective when there is a buildup of sputum in the lungs over a long period of time. This, in addition to the nasal drip down the throat, causes congestion of the nose and the child having to open their mouth to breathe in dry air, leading to dry mouth, dry throat and sore throat, which can lead to an increased risk of otitis media. To help with this, it is recommended to reduce milk and food intake, as well as to get enough sleep despite frequent coughing at night.   Prevention It is important to remember that taking medication alone may not completely cure a runny nose and cough. Therefore, it is important to teach the child how to properly drain any mucus that remains, to avoid potential chronic coughing issues.   by Asst. Prof. Apassorn Wattanasomsiri, M.D. Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Vibhavadi Hospital

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Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis   Spondylitis – Symptoms, Three Causes, and Prevention   What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?   What is AS?   Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the spine. If left untreated, it can cause new bone to form in the spine and joints, resulting in the fusion of the spine and hip joints and causing a hunched back and decreased spine flexibility. Ankylosing spondylitis is much more common in males than females, with the ratio being roughly 10-20 to 1. Those most likely to be affected are within the age range of 20-30 years. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this condition, but there are ways to alleviate symptoms and stop it from progressing further.     Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis   Symptoms   Early symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis may include intense pain in the lower back and hips, especially in the morning after waking up, and when sitting in the same position for a long time, there may be neck pain and fatigue, as well as a lack of energy. These symptoms may fluctuate from time to time, and even disappear from time to time. Prolonged inflammation of the spine can cause calcium deposits to form, connecting the vertebrae together and making the back stiff and unable to bend. In some cases, the ribs may fuse together, making it difficult to breathe. Other joints, such as the knee and hip joints, as well as tendons like the Achilles tendon and plantar ligament, may also become inflamed. In extreme cases, when inflammation has been present for a long time, other symptoms outside of the joint system, such as pneumonia and heart inflammation, may be present.   Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis   -               Back pain -               Back pain is the most common symptom of ankylosing spondylitis, and exercise may provide some relief. However, the pain may return or worsen, especially in the mornings after waking up and during sleep. Tension pain may become so intense that it disturbs the patient's sleep. -               Hip pain -               Arthritis -               Arthritis can affect the entire spine as well as hips and knees -               Joint pain after movement -               Joint weakness -               Swelling and tingling in the inflamed area -               Neuritis -               Pain caused by inflammation in the bone that attaches to the tendon. -               The upper tibia, heel, and ribs connecting to the sternum can be affected. If there is a problem with the ribs, the person may feel chest pain and find it difficult to take deep breaths. -               Fatigue -               People who have ankylosing spondylitis and have not received treatment may experience fatigue, which can make them feel exhausted and lacking in energy.     Cause The cause of ankylosing spondylitis remains unknown, though a person's genetics may play a role in increasing the risk of developing this condition. The HLA-B27 gene, which is more common in males, has been linked to a higher risk of ankylosing spondylitis. However, just because someone has this gene does not mean they are guaranteed to develop ankylosing spondylitis.   When should I consult a doctor?   Patients should visit their doctor if they experience lower back and hip pain, particularly if it is severe enough to affect their daily life. Ankylosing spondylitis can also cause eye redness, inflammation and light sensitivity, in which case medical attention should be sought immediately. The doctor will take a medical history and perform a physical exam, as well as using radiography to diagnose the condition. This is especially useful in cases where inflammation and joint fusion of the sacral bone and spine are present.   Treatment   Treatment and Prevention   Ankylosing spondylitis is currently incurable, but you can take steps to manage your symptoms and prevent them from worsening. The current recommended treatment plan is as follows.     Exercise   Physical exercise is extremely crucial. It can assist in adjusting posture, spinal joints, and one's personality. Movement from exercise can help avoid joint tightness and spinal pain. Physical therapy can be done by stretching or playing other sports such as swimming and should involve changing postures often. Keep the back straight when sitting, standing, and walking. When lying down, do so on a hard surface and not on your side. Avoid using high pillows.   Medication Your doctor will usually prescribe painkillers to provide relief from pain and inflammation, enabling the patient to be more active and exercise more. Currently, there are medications available to manage the symptoms of the ailment, but they are costly, and they come with the risk of long-term side effects, with no guarantee of a cure.   Surgery   Ankylosing spondylitis typically does not necessitate surgery. However, for severe cases, your doctor may advise hip or knee replacement surgery to facilitate more effortless movement.     Department of Surgery and Orthopedics, Vibhavadi Hospital

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Spinal Degeneration

 Spinal Degeneration   Degenerative Spine is a common form of osteoarthritis that affects the spine. It is characterized by the deterioration of the 3 levels of vertebrae – 7 in the neck, 12 in the mid-back, and 5 in the lumbar region. This leads to decreased movement of the spine, such as difficulty in bending, tilting the neck, arching the back, and bending backwards.   The most common spinal degenerative diseases are: The lumbar and cervical spine are more likely to experience degeneration due to the increased activity in these areas. Herniated discs may cause pain to radiate along the arm or leg if they press on the nerves, however, if they do not press on the nerves then the spinal column at the back may experience changes such as inflammation or roughness, or bone sprouts may form. Intervertebral discs are like flexible jelly and act as a shock absorber between each vertebrae, providing a barrier from deterioration. Unlike the knee and hip joints, the deterioration of the lumbar and cervical spine can begin at the cervical discs.   Degenerative Spine Symptoms People who are obese and use their back improperly, like bending over and lifting heavy objects, are more likely to experience pain in their back and aching pain in the sacrum area or both hips. This can cause damage to their spine at a faster rate than those who don't put their back under such strain. Treatment Mainly resting and taking antibiotics to treat bone and joint inflammation. It is important to take care of your back and not abuse it. If the treatment is not effective, physical therapy might be necessary. Due to the chronic nature of the condition, it is recommended to lose weight and strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. Other treatments, like injections and surgery, should only be done upon the advice of a doctor.   Best wishes from Orthopedic Center, Vibhavadi Hospital

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Menopause Syndrome

        Menopause Syndrome   Menopausal Syndrome is a medical condition experienced by women who are approaching or have reached menopause. Approximately 25% of women aged 45-55 will have no symptoms, 50% may experience mild symptoms, and another 25% will have various discomforts associated with the syndrome. Symptoms can include hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and decreased libido, among others. Treatment may involve hormone therapy, lifestyle changes, and other medications.   General Characteristics Menopause is a common condition experienced by women between the ages of 45-55. While some women experience no symptoms during this time, others may suffer from mild discomforts. Approximately 25% of women in this age group experience no symptoms, while 50% experience mild symptoms and the remaining 25% have more severe discomforts.   Cause A decrease in hormones can lead to psychological and mood swings, particularly in regards to a decrease in estrogen.   Symptoms Irregular or less menstruation can be a sign of an oncoming period of tingling sensations on the body surface (such as the chest, neck and face), sweating, palpitations, joint pain, and headache. These symptoms can last anywhere from two to five years, with an average duration of two to three years, before disappearing on their own.     Complications The elderly may be more prone to developing osteoporosis due to the thin and dry vaginal mucosa and skin, which can lead to bone decay and fractures that are difficult to heal.   You should reassure the patient that their mild symptoms are natural changes in the body and that they do not require any medication. These symptoms will likely disappear on their own in no time. If you are feeling very unwell, it is important to give medication according to your symptoms. For example, if you are feeling irritated, having insomnia, or feeling stressed, then you should take medication to help relieve these symptoms. If you are experiencing joint pain or a headache, it is advisable to take painkillers. If symptoms do not improve or another cause is suspected, a doctor should be consulted for additional testing. If it is a disease of a postmenopausal woman, estrogen replacement hormones may be given to reduce various discomforts, including preventing thin vaginal mucosa and osteoporosis. For estrogen hormone replacement, you may choose one of the following methods: The patient should take estrogen hormones and progesterone as prescribed by their doctor: estrogen on the 1-25th of each month, and progesterone on the 14-25th of the month. From the 26th until the end of the month, the patient should stop taking both hormones. This should result in the patient having menstrual blood at the end of the month. Taking estrogen and progesterone hormones together every day with no exceptions can lead to sporadic bleeding during the first 2-3 months. After this period, the bleeding will cease and will not return. In the event of surgery, the uterus should be removed, and estrogen should be taken daily.  

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7 Thai Women Die Each Day From Cervical Cancer

7 Thai Women Die Each Day From Cervical Cancer   Cervical cancer is the most common form of cancer among Thai women aged 35-50, with more than 6,000 new cases reported annually. This makes it the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.   Symptoms At the beginning of the disease, there are no symptoms, but cervical cancer can be detected with a Pap smear.   As the cancer progresses, there may be symptoms such as vaginal discharge that is foul-smelling, abnormal vaginal bleeding, or vaginal discharge that resembles amniotic fluid. If there is a lot, one might experience pain while urinating or have blood in their urine. Other potential symptoms include abnormal excretory system functions.   If the cancer spreads, it may affect other organs such as lymph nodes in the neck, lungs, liver, and bones.   Risk factors for cervical cancer Having sex at a young age (below 20 years old) and having multiple partners Inflammation of the cervix due to infection with Human Papiloma Virus, herpes, genital warts Women who smoke have a higher risk of cervical cancer than non-smokers  Women with low immunity Lack of nutrients such as folate, vitamin A, vitamin C How to reduce risk of developing cervical cancer This can be done by practicing safe sex, getting vaccinated, and getting regular check-ups with a doctor. Additionally, avoiding smoking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help lower the risk of cervical cancer. Avoid increasing risk factors, including having multiple sex partners. and having sex for the first time at a young age Women who are over the age of 30 or sexually active should have a Pap Smear test at least once a year in order to detect any changes in their cells in the early stages and provide them with a better chance of successful treatment. Get vaccinated against HPV infection. This will reduce the risk of cancer by about 70%, along with regular cervical cancer screening. Treatment At the beginning of cervical cancer, surgery is highly effective. However, if the cancer has already spread, then radiation therapy, either through irradiation or a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy medication, may be used.   Prevention Cervical cancer is a disease that can be prevented if it is detected early, before any symptoms appear. To do this, doctors use a Pap Smear test, which collects cells from the cervix and examines them for cancer cells. By detecting pre-cervical cancer, doctors can take steps to prevent the cancer from developing further. Avoid having multiple sex partners. Avoid sexually transmitted infections If in doubt, use a condom. If you experience abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding after sex, it is important to seek medical attention right away. All sexually active women should undergo a Pap Smear at least once a year to look for signs of cervical cancer.         What HPV is ... a virus that could hurt women in many ways HPV is a highly contagious virus with more than 100 strains. Most will go away on their own. But in some people, if the body cannot get rid of it, it can cause various diseases. HPV can be divided into 2 major groups:   Cancer-causing types of HPV, such as HPV 16 and 18, which are dangerous and cause 70% of cervical cancer. vaginal cancer and vulvar cancer Although HPV 6 and 11 are less virulent viruses, they can still cause contagious diseases such as genital warts. These warts are treatable, but generally, they recur. Although HPV does not cause cancer, it is important to take proper precautions to avoid transmission of the virus. HPV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact, including through skin-to-skin contact of the external genitalia. This virus can be transmitted during sexual intercourse between partners of any gender, and it can cause genital cancer in both men and women. Generally, men carry the virus and can spread it to their partners through sexual intercourse.   HPV Vaccination Stimulating the body's immune system to fight against HPV 16 and HPV 18 is an effective way of protecting the cervix from cervical cancer, as these two strains of the virus are responsible for around 70% of all cases. Developing immunity to HPV infection can help reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer.   Medical Doctor Dr. Manat Surathanon Obstetrics and Gynecology Department            

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Acute Myocardial Infarction

Acute Myocardial Infarction   Acute myocardial disease is a condition characterized by the obstruction of the coronary arteries due to blood clots, eventually leading to myocardial ischemia and death. Cause of Disease The rupture of fat in the coronary arteries causes the adhesion of platelets, which makes the blood unable to feed the heart muscle.   Symptoms Chest pain that feels like it is pressing down may be uncomfortable, and when accompanied by wheezing and pain that radiates to the neck, arms, or back, the symptoms can be severe and last for more than 30 minutes. Risk factors 1. Male above 45 years old and female above 55 years old 2. Smoking 3. Hyperlipidemia 4. High blood pressure 5. Diabetes 6. Fat   Treatment 1. Giving oxygen 2. Giving pain medication 3. Giving drugs to dilate blood vessels 4. Giving antiplatelet drugs and anticoagulants 5. Other treatments a doctor may consider on a case-by-case basis include hospitalization with a cardiologist, monitoring the patient's pulse, and recording the ECG. If the patient already has heart disease, the doctor may prescribe nitroglycerin or sublingual nitrates. If the symptoms do not improve, the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately.   Methods of Action to Prevent the Disease 1. Stop smoking 2. Control high blood pressure 3. Control your sugar levels if you are diabetic. 4. Control the level of fat in the blood appropriately. by choosing foods that are low in cholesterol Abstain from food that contains animal fat. Coconut oil and coconut milk 5. Adjust the number of calories in food to fit to achieve the appropriate body weight for height 6. Engage in physical activity regularly, such as exercising for at least 30 minutes three times a week.   Best wishes from Heart Center, Vibhavadi Hospital            

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Children and Dental Diseases

 Children can suffer from several major dental diseases, such as caries. Caries is caused by tooth decay, which happens when bacteria in the mouth mix with the sugar from food and create acid that is strong enough to damage the enamel of the teeth. The most important dental disease for children is caries.   Cause of caries   Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the oral plaque reacts with the sugars in food stains to produce acids, which are concentrated enough to damage the tooth's surface, causing tooth decay. tooth surface Saliva is slightly alkaline which acts as a buffer for the pH balance. always in the mouth But if the condition of the mouth is not clean There are a lot of food scraps in the nooks and crannies. Saliva will turn acidic. due to bacteria STREPTOCUCCUS MUTANS produces enzymes Very digestible sugar sucrose (sucrose) acid in the mouth. In the meantime, if there is an acid reaction. A large amount that the acidity level - alkaline. in the mouth is lower than 4.5, the surface of the teeth will be destroyed by acid It reacts with calcium in the tooth surface and dentin to dissolve calcium and phosphate. The surface of the teeth will erode and become soft and flaky, resulting in cavities. If left untreated, it will enlarge. and deep down near the nerve cavity which will cause sensitivity or toothache followed Stages of progression of children's dental disease and its treatment Early tooth decay is the formation of tiny holes or pores in the enamel layer of the tooth. These holes can be visible as brown or black spots on the tooth surface and there is usually no pain or sensitivity associated with this stage of decay. Treatment for early tooth decay typically involves either a sealant or a filling. At the most severe stage of tooth decay, the dentin layer has been penetrated, causing sensitivity especially when drinking cold water. Treatment at this stage may involve fillings, which may require an anesthetic to prevent discomfort. In more complicated cases, further methods may be required. If tooth decay has reached deep into the nerve cavity, a toothache is likely to follow and require treatment. In a procedure known as pulpotomy, the dentist will cut off the infected upper nerve and place medicine to preserve the remaining nerves. Afterwards, a filling is made to fill the cavity. However, if the decay is too severe for a filling, a metal crown may be placed instead. This crown will be replaced as the baby teeth age and permanent teeth come in. When there is purulent inflammation around the root of the tooth, the symptoms are much more severe than the earlier stages. Extreme pain and discomfort is present, and in some cases, the individual may experience difficulty opening their mouth, swelling of the face, drooping of the chin, and even closure of the eyes. Treatment often involves root canals and crowns, however in more severe cases, it may be necessary to extract the teeth and place an anti-falling device to maintain the space for future permanent teeth.   Prevention Brush your teeth properly with fluoride toothpaste after every meal to prevent food stains from remaining in the mouth for an extended period. Have a dental check-up with a dentist every 6 months, and Ask for sealant for molars with deep fissures, as they are more likely to collect food scraps and be difficult to clean, causing tooth decay. Choose foods that are beneficial to children, such as meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits, while avoiding sweet and sticky foods. Best wishes from                     Dental Center, Vibhavadi Hospital

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