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Bad cholesterol VS. Good Cholesterol and Triglyceride


Talking about cholesterol in detail can provide both the benefits and harms. To be more specific, it is necessary to define which one of them really cause us harm so we would be able to mentioned them as bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol has a large structure and low density which is also known in medical term as Low Density Lipoprotein, abbreviated as LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C).


This LDL-C is the real culprit. The more they are, the more problems will occurs with arteries such as blood clogging. On the other hand, another type of cholesterol, which has a high density, called High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), is the hero of our body or good fat (Good Cholesterol), it helps collecting waste or excess fat from the artery walls returns to the bloodstream. and taken to the waste disposal processing plant, namely the liver, to convert cholesterol from fat into bile for further fat digestion.


Now, we should know that between high LDL and HDL levels, which one of them have a greater amount over the other. Normally, our blood is able to detect the level of cholesterol (Total Cholesterol), triglycerides (Triglyceride, another type of fat) and HDL. They can be calculated by using the following formula:

LDL-C = Total Cholesterol – (Triglyceride/5)-HDL

The normal value of LDL should not exceed 160 mg% for normal subjects and not 130 mg% in people with coronary artery disease, while HDL should be over 45 mg%.

Avoid consumption of highly saturated foods will reduce LDL levels which can commonly found in animal fats, in some types of vegetable oils such as palm oil, coconut oil, coconut milk. The point is that is that most of those food products, being consumed are delicious e.g. fried chicken, potato chips, McDonald's, KFC, fast food, they're all made from these oils because it's cheap and not very rancid as well. It’s also found from the research that LDL-C levels in people in Asia is growing alarmingly after multinational food popped up like mushrooms and became a favorite among young people and working people until it became the consumption culture of the new generation. Therefore, it is not surprising that coronary artery disease is becoming more and more common. and even more found in younger people than in the past


Best wishes from

Vibhavadi Heart Center, "heart" friends near you, call 0-2561-1111 press 1


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