Acute Myocardial Infarction

Acute Myocardial Infarction


Acute myocardial disease is a condition characterized by the obstruction of the coronary arteries due to blood clots, eventually leading to myocardial ischemia and death.

Cause of Disease

The rupture of fat in the coronary arteries causes the adhesion of platelets, which makes the blood unable to feed the heart muscle.



Chest pain that feels like it is pressing down may be uncomfortable, and when accompanied by wheezing and pain that radiates to the neck, arms, or back, the symptoms can be severe and last for more than 30 minutes.

Risk factors

1. Male above 45 years old and female above 55 years old

2. Smoking

3. Hyperlipidemia

4. High blood pressure

5. Diabetes

6. Fat



1. Giving oxygen

2. Giving pain medication

3. Giving drugs to dilate blood vessels

4. Giving antiplatelet drugs and anticoagulants

5. Other treatments a doctor may consider on a case-by-case basis include hospitalization with a cardiologist, monitoring the patient's pulse, and recording the ECG. If the patient already has heart disease, the doctor may prescribe nitroglycerin or sublingual nitrates. If the symptoms do not improve, the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately.


Methods of Action to Prevent the Disease

1. Stop smoking

2. Control high blood pressure

3. Control your sugar levels if you are diabetic.

4. Control the level of fat in the blood appropriately. by choosing foods that are low in cholesterol Abstain from food that contains animal fat. Coconut oil and coconut milk

5. Adjust the number of calories in food to fit to achieve the appropriate body weight for height

6. Engage in physical activity regularly, such as exercising for at least 30 minutes three times a week.


Best wishes from Heart Center, Vibhavadi Hospital


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