Adjust your eating habit

How much nutrients do you get from your daily diet? If you choose to eat good food, it will affect to your own good health. For the one who needs to control weight, it will be better if you eat healthy food. Healthy eating habit is simple:


  • Have breakfast every day and make your lunch as the biggest meal of the day. However, that doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want.
  • Start eating each meal with low fat diet and avoid fried foods or coconut milk.
  • Choose to drink fruit juices that are naturally sweet, skimmed milk, or water instead of soft drinks. You should not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat fruits, such as guava and apple instead of sweets.
  • Choose to eat vegetables and fruits as many as possible in each meal.
  • Chew slowly and thoroughly.


Food intake should not be consumed more than the body needs. You try to adjust your eating habit. We ensure that you will not only have healthy body but also have a good body shape.


Nutrition Department, Vibhavadi Hospital

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