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Ask the fitness guru

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For fitness people who like to eat vegetarian food.


A good vegetarian must choose protein along with it.


Vegetarians often worry about protein deficiencies because they were told that protein only comes from meat, milk, eggs, etc. Nowadays, people who exercise choose to eat vegetarian food without worrying about lack of protein. Nowadays, there are many protein-rich vegetarian foods to choose from. For example, milk, eggs, cereals, nuts are all protein-rich nutrients. If you are still not sure, you can have whey protein like isolate type as supplement. Of course, these proteins may not be sufficient as meat proteins but consuming alternately can ensures that the recommended amounts of key proteins are met. Please make sure you have at least 200 grams of protein per day.


Choose the right nutrients and prepare your own food.


A popular question that scares many people whether they should have vegetarian food or not is that the body does not get enough nutrients because some knowledgeable people really protested. If you want to eat vegetarian food, you must know how to choose the right diet. Vegetarians will have to spend some time to prepare their own meals because they can select their desired food. The watch-out list of nutrients and often deficient in vegetarian diets include iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.


Iron is an important component in red blood cells which is the key to unlock muscles growing at a fast rate. Most people get this substance primarily from meat because the iron from plant (Found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cassia leaves, cereals) can be absorbed in less amount and may lead to lack of nutrient at the end. This issue can be simply solved by adding bit more vitamin C to your diet. Vitamin C will help absorb iron from plants better. Importantly, vegetarians should avoid drinking tea, coffee with or after meals due to it reduce the absorption of iron from the food you eat. If you like to drink, you should drink it 1-2 hours before meals or 4 hours after meals. More importantly, dairy products and bone nourishing calcium will also block the absorption of iron. Therefore, it must be taken separately with meals. Iron-rich vegetarian foods include beans, grains, tofu, and eggs.


Zinc-rich vegetarian foods include grains (don't boil too much water). or very decomposed because it will lose the nutritional value. If you can drink boiled water (it's good to drink), nuts, seeds, and tofu. However, meat eaters are also often deficient in zinc. The recommended dosage is 25 milligrams per day.

Most vegetarians get vitamin B12 from dairy and eggs. People get from fish, fish sauce, which this vitamin is lacking a lot of young vegetarians. It should be added better. Because this vitamin is water soluble and does not accumulate in the body. excreted through urine.


How to strengthen your body by eating


For those skinny guys who exercise a lot but no different could be spotted or even gain weight and grow of belly (especially at age thirties), this is caused by decrease in the metabolism rate. Despite the decreased metabolism rate, you can become a muscular man by adjusting your diet. Muscles can grow faster as you choose an appropriate supplement nutrition. For instance, one of my colleagues who works out regularly have taken a supplement nutrition as he turns to have vegetarian diet. On the day of weight training, he takes 30 grams of whey protein with 25 grams of dextrose with water and drink 15-30 minutes before weight training. This is a wise option because the protein and dextrose can be easily absorbed into the body. Glucose can provide source of energy in the first 5 minutes of your workout then protein will take care of the rest. In addition, consumption of glucose before doing exercise causes high levels of the hormone insulin which in turn helps the glucose to enter muscle cells better, resulting in faster muscle development. If your muscle strength are low, legume foods such as soybeans or tofu which is an excellent plant-based source of protein could solve your issue.


Eating vegetarian with no energy running out


In fact, meat lovers may experience more fatigue than vegetarians. For people who choose to eat only, will get less energy, fatigue, and feel sleepy because they eat a lot of protein which causes body to use all energy to digest food, resulting in easily lacking energy.


Strength comes from a perfect and balanced body. A balanced diet will be our perfect source of energy. Strong muscles come from effective loading. Basically, if you want to load your muscles strong, the first thing you need to do is generate muscle power. Because it needs strength to do workout and lead to strong and well-balanced muscles. Exercise without energy may cause injury and make muscle get weaken. The other factors that affect the muscle strength may include bad hormones, deficiency of iron, irregular calorie levels, hard work out without sufficient rest. This problem can be simply solved by having meal on-time, properly, regularly, and be wise.


What does Muscle building diet look like?


You can choose to eat vegetarian food along with building up your muscle strength. A good technique is to serve sufficient calories and balance diet as you need. Therefore, the nutrient should be served from various sources to ensure that you will received them all. Even though, Vegetarian diet can be obtained from various source, you may end-up lack of nutrient but are still able to sustainably achieve your body build-up.


In general, vegetarians are healthier than other people. They are typically safe from heart disease, less fat, lower risk of cancer and diabetes, blood pressure is maintained. Now, you have got the right option, just balance it, serve yourself a proper nutrient and you will be extremely strong.

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