Blood Fat or Cholesterol
Let's explore the different sources of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the levels that can be detected.
Now is the perfect time to get a check-up if you have never had one before. Due to the food available today, it can easily lead to high blood fat. Make sure to read up on the details.
Blood Fat or Cholesterol
Where Does Cholesterol Come From?
Approximately one-third of the cholesterol in the body comes from food sources. The fat from food is digested and transported to the liver and the whole body.
The liver produces the remaining two-thirds of the cholesterol that is necessary to transport it to other parts of the body.
Dangers of Cholesterol
"Have you ever had a blood test to check your cholesterol levels?
The following blood tests measure the cholesterol levels of total fat, HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol), and triglycerides:
Total Cholesterol (mg/dl)
<200 in range
200-239 almost high
≥240 high
HDL Cholesterol (mg/dl)
< 40 low
≥ 60 high
LDL Cholesterol (mg/dl)
< 100 in range
100-129 above range
130-159 almost high
160-189 high
≥ 190 very high
Triglycerides (mg/dl)
< 150 in range
150-199 almost high
200-499 high
≥ 500 very high
If you have never had a check-up before, now is the perfect time to do so. In this day and age, food can easily lead to high cholesterol levels.
Kind regards from
Department of Health Examination, Vibhavadi Hospital
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