Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
The Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory is a medical procedure offered by the Heart Center, which involves examining the heart in a special laboratory setting. Typically, there is no need for anesthesia, and the tools inserted into the patient's body, such as small tubes, balloons, or wires, are similar in size to a soil or ink pen tip. The procedure does not require surgery and involves the use of catheters to diagnose and treat conditions without causing significant injury or scarring. This is a common procedure in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and does not require a lengthy recovery period. However, if the patient is seeking a diagnosis for a heart condition, they may need to spend one night in the hospital. Patients who are undergoing repairs or receiving devices for treatment may need to spend one to three nights in the hospital. Prior to each procedure, the physician will offer detailed consultation and provide opportunities for patients to ask questions, including discussing risks and alternatives.
Services offered by the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory include:
1. Injecting dyes for diagnostic purposes, repairing blood vessels using balloons and wires, expanding blood vessels, and suctioning blood clots in the obstructed vessels.
Examples of blood vessels that can be repaired using these methods include:
2. The examination and treatment of abnormalities in the cardiac electrical system include:
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