

Viral conjunctivitis often happens, especially in young children and elementary school students. It is not a serious disease, However, if it is not treated since the beginning, it may be complicated by bacterial infection impaired vision.


How is conjunctivitis contagious?


The disease often spreads among people who live in crowded places. It can spread from direct contact with the tears, eye discharge of the patient but most often indirectly spread by:


  • Rub your eyes with germ-containing dirty hands.
  • Sharing utensils, such as handkerchiefs, towels, glasses, water bowls, and other items with the person with the disease.
  • Flies in the eyes


What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis?

Approximately 24-48 hours after exposure to the virus, they will have eye irritation, eye pain, watery eyes, eye discharge, eyelid edema, conjunctivitis, inflammation, and redness.

This can begin in either 1 eye first or both eyes at the same time. It may have a low fever, dread, or tingling pain in the limbs. Patients usually recover by themselves within 1-2 weeks if there is no complication of bacterial infection.


When you have conjunctivitis, how should you do?


  • When the symptoms mentioned above occur, you should see a doctor immediately. Doctor will prescribe antibiotic eye drops to prevent bacterial complications for 7 consecutive days. For some patients with fever, headache, they will use analgesic drugs to relieve pain according to the symptoms. If the symptoms are more severe, you need to see a doctor again.


  • You should rest your eyes, don't use your eyes too much.


  • Should stop studying or work for about 1-2 weeks or until the red eye symptoms are completely healed. Furthermore, you should not go to community places, such as cinemas, department stores, etc., because it may spread the disease to others.


  • Separate personal belongings of patients. Don't let other people use it.


  • Always wash your hands after touching your eyes and frequently wash hands.


Is there any way to prevent conjunctivitis?


The disease can be prevented by maintaining good personal hygiene, including:


  • Always wash your hands with soap and water. Do not rub your eyes with unwashed hands.


  • When dust gets into your eyes, do not rub them. You should rinse them with cooled boiled water.


  • Do not use items such as glasses, handkerchiefs, towels, hand towels, or eyewash cups, which is shared with others Especially when there is an epidemic of conjunctivitis. have to be more careful


  • Laundry clothes, towels, handkerchiefs, pillowcases, bed sheets, etc.


  • In crowded places, sufficient clean water should be provided for washing hands, washing face and bathing.



best wishes from Vibhavadi Hospital

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