Diabetic nephropathy
People, who have had diabetes for many years, will have complications of different organs. Importantly, the blood vessels throughout whole body become hard and thick, causing the decreasing of blood supply to the body. If diabetes is poorly controlled, complications will occur earlier than usual. Normally, kidney disease tends to occur more than 10 years later of diabetes. Read for more details.
Diabetic nephropathy
People, who have had diabetes for many years, will have complications of different organs. Importantly, the blood vessels throughout whole body become hard and thick, causing the decreasing of blood supply to the body. If diabetes is poorly controlled, complications will occur earlier than usual. Normally, kidney disease tends to occur more than 10 years later of diabetes.
If it shows swelling in the arms, legs, face, and body, it is an indication of the onset of kidney dysfunction.
Early detecting of kidney disease in diabetic patients is high blood pressure or protein leakage in the urine.
When the kidneys begin to deteriorate, a blood test will be required to check kidney function. The level of urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine are higher than normal people.
Kidney complications in diabetes patients
Infectious nephritis
Sudden kidney failure
Chronic renal failure
Risk factors for diabetic nephropathy
Kidney disease is found approximately 30 - 35 % of diabetic patients.
Risk factors for kidney disease include:
Male gender
High sugar level
High blood pressure
Protein leakage in the urine
How do you know if you have diabetic nephropathy?
High blood pressure
Body itching
Loss of appetite and weight loss
Exhaustion, nausea, and vomiting in the last stage
However, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy often shows additional symptoms from chronic kidney failure patients, which are complications caused by diabetes include:
Numbness of hands and feet
Chest pain
Limb weakness
Chronic ulcers on the skin and feet
Diabetes care to prevent kidney disease
Caring for patients with diabetes and kidney disease
Examples of high fat foods to be aware
1. High cholesterol diet
Beef – Pork
2. High triglyceride diet
Starchy food
Sweet fruit
Alcoholic beverages
Written by Prof. Dr. Leena Ongartyuth,
Department of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, President of the Kidney Association of Thailand
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