Egg Consumption for Heart Disease and Neurodegenerative Disease Prevention

Egg Consumption for Heart Disease and Neurodegenerative Disease Prevention

Eggs are a highly nutritious food, rich in essential nutrients for the body. A single 50-gram chicken egg provides 75-80 calories and contains as much as 7 grams of protein. The egg white, which makes up two-thirds of the egg's weight, is composed of high-quality protein, accounting for approximately 12% of its content. The primary components of egg white proteins are Ovalbumin, Ovoglobulin, and Phosphoprotein, which are rich in eight essential amino acids.


The egg yolk, which accounts for one-third of the egg's weight, contains protein, fat, vitamins, and essential minerals. Most of the fat found in egg yolks is saturated fat, including omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce the risk of heart disease, similar to the fat found in salmon and other seafood.


However, it is commonly believed that chicken eggs have a high cholesterol content. A single egg contains 213 milligrams of cholesterol, which could potentially increase blood cholesterol levels. Nonetheless, research on fat and cholesterol in eggs has consistently shown that the adverse effects of egg fat and cholesterol are minimal compared to fats from other sources.


One egg provides a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, D, choline, inositol, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Choline, found in eggs, is a component of a substance called "lecithin," which is commonly consumed as a health supplement to support brain function and prevent neurological abnormalities.


Choline is another essential component of chicken eggs. Research has shown that egg yolks contain the highest amount of choline, which directly improves memory performance, learning ability, and helps delay memory loss in older adults or those with cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Choline also helps prevent fat buildup in blood vessels and heart arteries and slows down aging.


When choosing good quality eggs, look for shells without cracks, blemishes, or discoloration, ensuring cleanliness and quality certification. Purchase eggs from a reputable farm, check the expiration date, and store eggs in a refrigerator at 4-8 degrees Celsius. Place eggs with the rounded side up and consume within two weeks.


Consuming at least one egg per day, or 365 eggs per person per year, can provide Thais with the nutritional benefits of developed countries and help reduce the risk of various diseases.


Source: Khaosod

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