Orthodontic treatment is an option to correct problems such as crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, gaps, and misalignment. It's become quite popular and is performed by attaching orthodontic devices that apply pressure to the teeth, causing them to move gradually in the desired direction. This also aids in aligning the upper and lower teeth, benefiting overall oral and dental health. In addition, orthodontics enhances the beauty of your smile, boosting confidence. Issues like crowding, gaps, or improperly aligned teeth may cause chewing problems, reduced chewing efficiency, and difficulties in cleaning, leading to gum and tooth diseases. The cause may be habits such as thumb-sucking as a child, early extraction of permanent teeth, or genetics. Therefore, orthodontics can improve overall oral health by making cleaning easier, preventing tooth decay, and gum disease.
There are two major types of orthodontics: traditional braces using metal wires, and a method that uses clear plastic covers instead of metal. The plastic covers are gradually changed, and teeth move slowly without the need for metal attached to the teeth. This method is called Invisalign.
In terms of limitations, Invisalign has virtually none but offers the benefit of not having metal attached to the teeth. This means no discomfort, and they can be removed when eating and brushing teeth. Typically, the treatment is faster than traditional braces but requires fewer visits to the dentist.
Invisalign has become increasingly popular as it is easier to care for than traditional metal braces. It's suitable for the general population, people who fear discomfort, and those in professions where metal braces are prohibited, such as presenters and flight attendants in some airlines. Many celebrities also prefer this method. It usually costs about twice as much as traditional methods, as these personalized devices must be manufactured abroad following the design of individual dentists.
Invisalign should be worn at all times, except during meals and when brushing teeth. They can be removed during sleep or at times when they can't be worn, such as during sports or on camera for celebrities. The treatment period varies by individual, generally ranging from 6 months to 2 years.
By Dr. Napong Puwapongpong, Orthodontist
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