

"Problems arising from skin sagging, such as drooping eyebrows and eyelids, sagging cheeks, lead to deeper nasolabial folds and under-eye bags. This is due to the weakening of the structural framework that helps to tighten the skin, combined with Earth's gravity pulling down every day, causing the face to sag."


1. Radiofrequency (RF)

This is an energy wave from radio that transfers high heat to the deeper layer of the skin, stimulating collagen contraction and new collagen production. An example of this group is Thermage, which is one of the first versions and a prototype of radiofrequency devices. Later models use radiofrequency combined with lasers, which allow the heat to penetrate more superficially than Thermage, reducing the risk of damage to the deeper layers of the skin, but may have less lifting effect compared to Thermage.


However, skin tightening with radiofrequency may not provide as noticeable results as surgery. For instance, radiofrequency results in changes in millimeters rather than centimeters, as in surgery, which takes at least 4-6 weeks to see results and may not be effective for everyone. Particularly for those with more severe issues, surgery may be a better option.


2. Ultrasound Facelift

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is used, targeting the deep layers beneath the skin (SMAS: Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System), which is adjacent to the muscle layer. This layer helps to prevent facial sagging. The heat applied will cause the tissue to tighten, lifting and tightening the sagging face, addressing drooping eyelids, tightening under-eye bags, and reshaping the face to be slimmer. The results gradually appear within 1-6 months after treatment.


Some lifting treatments may cause pain, requiring the application of an anesthetic before treatment. Before the procedure, avoid strong sunlight for about a week and avoid skin exfoliation, skin cell turnover, or other laser treatments for one to two weeks. Remove any metal jewelry (during radiofrequency treatments).


After treatment, the face may be slightly swollen and red for a few hours, after which makeup can be applied as usual. Avoid strong sunlight and high heat, such as saunas or hot yoga. Refrain from taking anti-inflammatory medications in the NSAIDs group, such as aspirin.


The results of treating skin sagging with radiofrequency Thermage and high-intensity focused ultrasound can last for years but can be painful and expensive compared to radiofrequency lasers, which cause less pain, are cheaper, but require multiple sessions, approximately 5-6 sessions, sparing one week between each session.

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