Nutrition therapy for underweight or below standard weight

Nutrition therapy for underweight or below standard weight

           If a patient's Body Mass Index (BMI) is less than <18.5 kg/m2, it is considered underweight. However, if it is a case of malnutrition, it is classified as BMI <17.0 kg/m2.


The cause of being underweight or having abnormally low body weight is due to the body losing energy or using more energy than it receives. This can lead to a reduction in body weight or having an abnormally low body weight. Insufficient energy and nutrients can result from poverty, loss of appetite, or fear of gaining weight, which can lead to purging. This disorder is called bulimia nervosa and is popularly associated with the belief that being thin is beautiful. Eating disorders are common among models and adolescents who often think they are overweight. Physical ailments associated with receiving less than adequate nutrition include dental and oral problems and digestive problems, which can cause abnormal digestion and absorption.


Groups that expend more energy than normal include:

  • Thyroid poisoning
  • Intensive exercise
  • Consumption of certain drugs or addictive substances such as narcotics
  • Diseases that cause rapid dehydration and weight loss
  • Diabetes with high blood sugar causing frequent urination
  • Diseases with normal or high calcium levels, such as some types of cancer


The dangers of being underweight include an increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis in cases of thyroid poisoning. If it is cancer, without treatment, it can spread uncontrollably. If it is purging after eating, the acid in the stomach can cause ulcers in the cheeks and tooth decay.


Guidelines for Nutritional Therapy

In the case of obesity, it is necessary to provide treatment that adjusts the understanding of the patient and their relatives, and to provide knowledge about nutrition and nutrition supplements. Medications may also be used to aid mental health treatment.


In cases where a person eats a lot but is not overweight, it is not recommended to consume foods that are too sweet, salty, or high in fat to avoid the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol levels. Instead, people can replace those foods with protein-rich foods like milk, eggs, beans, and whole grains. Exercise such as weight lifting, yoga, and increasing the intake of beneficial carbohydrates, such as brown rice and wild rice, can help to build muscle mass and increase calorie intake. Additionally, to gain weight, an individual should add 500 calories per day, while being mindful that the added food should contain protein or complex carbohydrates, not sweets or fatty foods.


To increase protein intake, consume 1.5-2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.


To increase calorie and fat intake, add 300-500 calories per day, which can lead to gradual weight gain.


Milk is a good source of protein and should be consumed with meals, about 1-2 glasses per day, or after exercising.


Eggs should be consumed every day, with a limit of three egg yolks per week if the individual has high blood lipids levels. Instead, they can consume egg whites.


One serving of rice equals one fist-sized portion, which is 55 grams and provides 80 calories. Sticky rice is 35 grams per serving, with the same calorie content. Although rice contains protein, the amount is relatively low.


Legume plants are another option because they provide high energy. One serving of almonds contains 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of good fats. They can be eaten as a snack, but the quantity should be limited.


Red meat helps to build muscle because it contains amino acids. Eating red meat with fat provides more energy than lean red meat.


Whey protein is a popular protein source among muscle builders. It helps to increase muscle mass. It should be consumed before or after exercise, or for those who have nutritional deficiencies.


Whole grain bread is rich in carbohydrates made from non-starchy plants. It can be eaten with protein to help gain weight.


Avocado is rich in good fats. One avocado provides 332 calories of energy, vitamins, and minerals.


In addition to increasing food intake, there should be behavioral changes that may be beneficial for weight gain, such as exercising to build muscles, focusing on protein and carbohydrates, getting enough rest for at least 8 hours per day, dividing meals into 5-6 times per day, avoiding drinking water before meals, reducing consumption of drinks with caffeine or energy drinks, and quitting smoking because smoking can reduce appetite.

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