Premature ejaculation

What is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation (PE), also known as "bird that can't catch its prey" or "gulf collapse," refers to a condition in which a male partner is unable to control ejaculation long enough for the female partner to reach orgasm.


Premature ejaculation is a medical condition that has three characteristics that affect the individual who has it:

Ejaculation occurs before or during penetration, and is too short.

The individual cannot control ejaculation.

Lack of pleasure or problems in the relationship between partners.

1 in 3 men in the Asia-Pacific region experience premature ejaculation.


Treatment for Premature Ejaculation:

  1. Behavioral techniques such as "stop-start" and "squeeze" techniques.
  2. Consultation with a psychologist.
  3. Reduction of sensitivity in the genital area through the use of thicker condoms and topical creams or sprays, which reduce sensitivity at the end of the penis and may cause the vagina to lose feeling.
  4. Treatment with oral medication, which can be taken as needed, once per day, and is safe.


What is the difference between premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction?


The impact of premature ejaculation:


Men's thoughts:

Men with premature ejaculation feel anxious about their relationships, sometimes to the point where they avoid close relationships altogether. Even married couples may feel that something is missing, which can affect their intimacy.


Women's thoughts:

Women whose partners experience premature ejaculation often feel dissatisfied with their sexual experiences and are worried about their relationship. Many women feel angry and resentful because premature ejaculation seems like a problem that the man should be able to control.



The Thai Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) is a self-administered diagnostic test for premature ejaculation consisting of the following questions.


How to control your premature ejaculation?

(0) Not difficult at all

(1) Not very difficult

(2) Moderately difficult

(3) Very difficult

(4) Extremely difficult


Do you ejaculate before you want to?

(0) Almost never or never, 0%

(1) Sometimes, about 25%

(2) Often, about 50%

(3) Most of the time, about 75%

(4) Almost always or always, 100%


Do you ejaculate when stimulated only slightly?

(0) Almost never or never, 0%

(1) Sometimes, about 25%

(2) Often, about 50%

(3) Most of the time, about 75%

(4) Almost always or always, 100%


Do you feel annoyed when you ejaculate before you want to?

(0) Never

(1) Slightly

(2) Moderately

(3) Very

(4) Extremely


Do you feel anxious when you ejaculate and your partner is not satisfied with sexual intercourse?

(0) Never

(1) Slightly

(2) Moderately

(3) Very

(4) Extremely


PEDT score - Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool

PEDT score ≥ 11: Premature ejaculation

PEDT score = 9 or 10: At risk of premature ejaculation

PEDT score ≤ 8: No premature ejaculation

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