Preparation Before Receiving a Flu Vaccine
Getting a Flu Vaccine: Important Information to Provide Before Your Shot
Before receiving the flu vaccine, it's essential to inform the hospital of the following details:
- Are there young children or elderly individuals living in your household?
- Do you have any chronic medical conditions?
- Are you currently taking any medications that affect blood clotting or suppress the immune system?
- Are you allergic to eggs or chicken?
- Are you currently pregnant?
Side Effects and Precautions
Possible Side Effects:
- Local Reactions: Redness, swelling, pain, or bumps at the injection site.
- General Reactions: Fever, discomfort, muscle aches, headache, joint pain, and other symptoms. These are more common in those receiving the vaccine for the first time. Symptoms may start within 6-12 hours and last for about 1-2 days without requiring treatment.
- Allergic Reactions: Rare occurrences such as hives, asthma, or systemic anaphylaxis due to egg protein allergy.
Precautions and Contraindications:
- The vaccine is contraindicated for individuals with a known allergy to egg or chicken proteins.
- Postpone vaccination if you have a fever or an acute illness.
- Delay vaccination in individuals with neurological disorders.
- The vaccine is not recommended for those with a history of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).
- For those with compromised immune systems, whether due to genetics, immunodeficiency diseases, or immunosuppressive treatment, the vaccine may not produce the expected antibody response.
- The flu vaccine does not provide 100% protection, as the virus strains change annually.
Best regards,
Vibhavadi Hospital