Recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination

Recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination

The elderly group with age of ³ 60 years old and those with 7 chronic diseases are considered eligible target groups to start the first batch of COVID-19 vaccination in June 2021. According to registering through the “Mohpromt” system is quite popular among Thai people, we would like to answer those important questions and concerns. Moreover, for the most effective performance of the vaccine and low risks, side effects, and adverse reactions from vaccination, the recommendations for vaccination against COVID-19 are summarized as follows:


Before receiving the COVID-19 vaccine

-  2 days before and after vaccination, refrain from vigorous exercise or weightlifting and should get enough sleep.


-  In case of illness or discomfort, vaccination is not recommended. You must heal for at least 2 days before vaccination.


-  On the day of injection, drink at least 500-1,000 cc of water.


-  Abstain from caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages for at least 1 day.


-  Eat regular meals.


During receiving the COVID-19 vaccine

-  On the appointment date, you should arrive at the injection area at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time. Please prepare your ID card, health information, and registration information via Line "MohPromt" on your mobile phone.


-  Strictly maintain basic prevention: wear a mask, keep a distance, carry alcohol gel, wear clothes that are convenient for vaccination.


-  Measure body temperature and blood pressure before vaccination.


-  Inject at the arm that is not a dominant side. After two days of injection, do not use that arm. Don't use it to lift heavy things.


-  You should take the congenital medicine as normal. If you need to take thrombolytic drugs, you should press at the injection site for 1 minute after the injection.


-  If you have a congenital disease or need to take medication, especially immunosuppressants or drugs that cause vasoconstriction, such as migraine drugs (ergotamine group), you should consult a doctor or notify a nurse before vaccination.


After receiving the COVID-19 vaccine

-  Observe side effects at the hospital 30 minutes before returning home. If there are abnormal symptoms such as limb weakness, numbness in half, distorted mouth, slurred speech, please inform the nurse or doctor immediately.


-  2 days after injection, do not use the injected arm, or lift heavy objects.


-  If you have a fever or aches and pains that are unbearable, you can take 500 mg of paracetamol one tablet. You also can repeat if necessary. It should be 6 hours apart. Do not take or avoid drugs such as Brufen, Arcoxia, or Celebrex. If it is necessary, an advice from a doctor should be sought.


- After returning home, self-assessment should be continued for another 48-72 hours. In some cases, side effects may appear. Most of them are local side effects such as pain, swelling at the injection site and mild side effects such as low fever, fatigue or urticaria. After 30 minutes to 2 hours after vaccination, the symptoms will gradually decrease, but if you have the high fever, the limbs weakness, numbness on half body, crooked mouth, and unclear speech, you should go back to the hospital or call 1669 to assess the symptoms immediately.


-  Covid vaccination should be injected apart from influenza at least 1 month.


The contraindication and cautions of vaccination against COVID-19

All types of vaccines have contraindication as follows: allergies to the constituents of the vaccine. Since these vaccines are novel, it has less scientific information about allergic reactions. In the first stage, you should be injected in the hospitals or healthcare clinics where can immediately provide assistance for severe reactions and should be monitored symptoms after injection for at least 30 minutes.


If you have the following symptoms after vaccination, you must go to see a doctor at a hospital nearby your home or call 1669 for emergency medical services.


High fever


Severe headache

Chest tightness and difficulty breathing or choking

Vomit more than 5 times

Whole body rash, peeling skin

Many spots of bleedings.

Crooked face or crooked mouth

Limbs and muscle weakness and imbalance

Enlarged lymph nodes

Convulsions or loss of consciousness

The regulations are considered to strictly follow. To reduce side effects from the COVID-19 vaccination, after the first dose of vaccination, you should be prepared for an appointment for the second dose of vaccination. Everyone will continue to wear masks, maintain social distancing, and wash their hands before, during and after vaccination.



Reference: Ministry of Public Health


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