Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination

            Ultrasound is an examination with high-frequency sound waves by allowing a transducer transmit ultrasound waves to the skin, glands, or tissues with different properties. Those waves will be reflected and scattered back into the transducer (echo). Then, it is recorded, amplified, and adjusted before being sent to the display.


Ultrasound can be used to examine different parts of the body, including:


  • Head

Used to examine young children under 2 years of age to check the abnormalities in the skull by examining through the fontanelles.


  • Neck

Used to detect abnormalities and find lesions of the thyroid gland, salivary gland, parotid gland, and nodules at the neck area. Moreover, it can be used to examine the carotid artery.


  • Chest

Used to examine for fluid in the pleural space (pleural fluid) or to check for lesions on the chest wall, such as tumors, etc.


  • Abdomen

Used to examine abnormalities and find lesions of all internal abdominal organs.


  • Other parts

Used to investigate abnormalities and lesions in other organs that are soft tissues or have fluid inside, such as muscles. It can also use a Doppler examination of the breast, legs, and large and medium size of blood vessels. Abnormalities of blood vessels, blood flow velocity, vessel blockages are investigated too.


For the head, neck, and thorax, they can be checked immediately without preparation. However, in some children, sedation may be required according to the doctor's orders.



  • Upper Abdomen: abstain from water and food at least 6 - 8 hours before the examination. In children, abstain from food or milk for 1 meal in order to display organs clearly, especially the gallbladder.


  • Lower Abdomen: no need to abstain from water and food. (Unless prescribed by a doctor). Three hours before the examination, drink 4-5 glasses of water and hold the urine until the examination is complete (it requires full urination). This will show the uterus and organs in the lower abdomen clearly.


  • Whole Abdomen: abstain from food for 6-8 hours before the examination. Three hours before the examination, drink 4-5 glasses of water and hold the urine until the examination is complete (it requires full urination).


Other parts can be examined immediately. No preparation is required before the examination.



  • Should abstain from water and food (N.P.O. = Nothing Per Oral) at least 6-8 hours before the examination (for young children, abstain from milk for only 4 hours).
  • Reasons of water abstain is to avoid the air in the Gastro-intestinal tract. Air influences ultrasound images. In case of the patient with Bowel gas, it is best to wait 2-3 hours before.
  • Reasons of food abstain is to avoid the occurrence of food illusions. Moreover, the oily food also causes the gall bladder contraction, which leads to be difficult to detect the gall bladder.

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