Make your body firm by vegetarian.

By Dr. Somboon Roompornchai


Currently, eating vegetables is a global trend and tends to increase more and more. It is obviously noticeable that many people begin to stop eating meat and turn to vegetarian diets. The reason is they think that vegetables are useful and healthy, keeping the body strong, don't get sick easily. I am quiet surprised when I ask those who get their firm muscles about how did they make it and the answer was so simple that they are vegetarian. I used to think the firm body must only be obtained by having protein. However, many people support the idea that eating vegetable helps in body buildup and weight increase.



The Fitness Guru

Dr. Somboon Roompornchai

American College of Anti-aging

Sports medicine Professionals (ACASP)


I just became interested in body workout after reading Men's Health. Once I have registered for fitness membership, the trainer took me for many measurement which I do understand some and some may not.  Could you please explain about those measurement and how is it important to me.


For those men who think about who is fat or thin, most people probably think of the body weight and set it as a criterion. In the past, I and some doctor thought of the same way. For today, I have to say that body weight is just rough physique criteria in which we do not use it to evaluate your body strength and healthy.


I am explaining to you that 2 of my patients came to me to consult about the anti-aging program. Both of them had the same weight and height. They both had got problems with their body mass index (IBM), which indicates they are overweight. However, when I met them, one looks really fat, but another person is big due to the weight training. Therefore, I think that the weight may not tell the body level of a man.


In this case, body fat mass and waist circumference measurements will provide better information because most Thai men have a fat mass between 12 -15 percent. In case of the fat mass is more than 18 percent, it must be considered that you are not firm, have a belly, or accumulated fat. Don't wait for the weight to warn you, you must control and keep your fat mass at a lower level. Most of them must not exceed 9 percent.


In addition to fat mass measuring, muscle mass measuring is also useful because it indicates whether the fitness program you are playing is suitable. The only way to tell if a particular program is right for you is by looking at changes in your muscle mass (Most of workout programs focus on losing fat mass and increasing muscle mass, so your weight may not change or may even increase, in term of muscle while fat mass must be reduced). We are able to decide our fate, but for the shape, you can define it. Take action on diet and exercise regularly and your desired body and health is no longer a dream.




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