Dermatology and Laser

The Dermatology Clinic focuses on promoting good skin health and well-being. The clinic's specialists can help prevent and treat skin conditions as well as offer ways of enhancing your normal skin.  


Perception during Treatment with Pristine Machine

            During the treatment, vacuum suction force moving softly on skin can be felt without pain. Treatment time depends on treatment area. If the treatment is performed on entire face, it will take 10–15 minutes. 

Is treatment with Pristine Machine safe?

          Pristine Machine is efficient and safe without pain and downtime. You can see the change from first treatment with the machine.  

Care after Treatment with Pristine Machine

          After treatment, skin area receiving the treatment will turn pink and pale. Facial skin may be dry for 1–2 days. Cream and sunscreen should be used after the treatment. 


Phono is to use ultrasonic wave to push medicaments or vitamins into layers of the skin, brightening and whitening face, reviving skin condition and reducing wrinkles and dark spots around eyes.   

Benefits of Phono

  1. Whiten and smooth face.
  2. Cure blemishes, freckles, dark spots or acne scars.
  3. Reduce dark spots under eyes.
  4. Heal facial lines.
  5. Reduce and dissolve fat. 

Number of Treatments

  • 7-10 Times Every Week in the Beginning of Treatment
  • After that, treatment should be provided every 1-2 weeks to retain brightness.
  • Each treatment takes 30 minutes (including washing face). 

Treatment Steps 

  1. Consult dermatologist for testing skin condition and treatment with medicaments or vitamins to appropriately respond to each patient's problem.
  2. Start with washing face. Staff will apply medicaments and vitamins on face or body. Phono is specially designed, including Phono Eye, Phono Face and Phono Body for pushing the medicaments into body. It is suitable for patient with acne problem, as the treatment does not cause acne and can push medicaments for acne treatment better than ointment alone. 


Microdermabrasion (Non-Invasive Rejuvenation) MD Innovation for Bright Facial Skin and Smooth Body Skin  

Treatment Principle

      Microdermabrasion or MD is to peel skin with micro crystal by applying Micro Peeling Principle, using tiny crystal powder sterilized by Gamma Radiation to peel skin, remove outer layer of skin, tidy up fibroblast and boost new skin efficiently, smoothly and softly. This method will not cause abrasion during treatment.  

The treatment is suitable for patients having acne scars, wide pores and dark face. The treatment can be used with treatment of blemishes and freckles. After five treatments, the entire skin condition will become shallower, smoother and brighter. The treatments also reduce stretch marks in different areas, such as abdominal surface, thigh and hip.  

Care after Skin Peeling

After skin peeling, it is possible to put on makeup and wash face. There is no wound, but SPF30 sunscreen and over should be applied, or strong sunlight should be avoided for 1-2 weeks. After the treatment, facial skin may turn red for 2-3 hours, and skin may be peeled off as tiny residues for patient with dry skin.  


  • Simple and Effectiveness: Face peeling is not needed. 
  • Insignificant Side Effects and No Severe Symptoms: There is slight irritation or pain on treatment area. 



  • Pitted Scar and Abnormal Keratinization
  • Dyschromia
  • Enlarged Pore
  • Superficial Seborrheic Keratosis
  • Surface Crack and Stretch Mar


  • Significant Facial Infection
  • All Types of Facial Infection, Including Herpes
  • Skin Cancer
  • Long-Term Sunlight Exposure or Very Dry

Iontophoresis: Whiten and Brighten Skin with Ionto

Treatment Principle

     The treatment uses low-voltage electrical current to push medicaments into skin efficiently, and the treatment can help cure blemishes, freckles and dark spots after inflammation. In addition, the treatment can reduce some types of scars. Dermatologist will select appropriate vitamins, including... 

  1. VC-PMG helps whiten skin and reduce dark spots, blemishes and freckles. 
  2. Tretinoin helps reduce and smooth acne scars, tighten pores and minimize wrinkles and comedo. 
  3. JA Gel (Transnexamic Acid) helps solve problem caused by melanin, such as blemishes and freckles, reducing irritation. 
  4. Aloe Vera helps moisturize facial skin and reduce allergy and irritation.
  5. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidation, reducing wrinkles and moisturizing skin.  

Benefits of Ionto

  1. Whiten and brighten facial skin, and reduce blemishes, freckles and acne scars.
  2. Reduce problems of wrinkles and scars.
  3. Rejuvenate facial skin and reduce facial oil. 

Treatment Methods/Steps 

  • Dermatologist will test facial skin condition and select suitable vitamin for each patient.
  • Staff will apply medicaments/vitamins ordered by dermatologist and move Ionto roller around face to push medicaments from the machine, the energy value of which is set for 20-30 minutes.
  • During the treatment, there is no wound or pain.  

Care after Treatment 

  • Avoid strong sunlight for 24 hours after treatment.
  • After treatment, it is possible to put on makeup. Sunscreen should be applied on a regular basis. 
  • After treatment, face may turn pink and pale. As electrical current will stimulate blood flow, facial skin will turn pink and red. For best and most effective treatment, the treatment should be provided for 1-2 times per week, and the treatment should be performed with Microdermabrasion.

AHA Treatment (Alpha Hydroxy Acids)

AHA Treatment (Alpha Hydroxy Acids): An extract is received from several kinds of useful fruit acids, including citric acid from sour fruits like orange, glycolic acid from sugar cane, malic acid from apple, lactic acid from milk and tartaric acid from grapes. AHA Treatment will accelerate exfoliation, adjust skin condition, cure discolored skin, reduce dark spots and rough and uneven skin, shrink pores, heal inflamed pimples, reduce P. acnes, whiten and brighten face, reduce dark spots caused from acnes, blemishes and freckles. . , reduce facial oil being suitable for oily skin with dark spots and adjust skin condition regularly. 


Treatment Areas 

  • Face
  • Dark Underarms/Dark Groin/Acne Scars on Back Part of Body
  • Posterior Layer and Dark Spots 


Care after AHA Treatment 

  1. Avoid strong sunlight.
  2. Apply SPF30 PA+++ sunscreen and over all the time.
  3. Receive treatment 1-2 times per week to get obvious and rapid result. 

Say goodbye to sagging skin by tightening it with STOP machine by using RF waves (Radio Frequency) accumulating heat energy on skin layer to stimulate collagen fibers for shrinking and tightening skin, saying goodbye to wrinkles in the long term.  

 Filler Injection

Filler Injection aims to rejuvenate skin and strengthen confidence again.  


The filler injection and Botox reduces lines, dark spots and wrinkles. 

  • Say goodbye to undesired lines and wrinkles. Dermatologist will strengthen your confidence and safety.      

Rejuvenate facial skin, tighten face and get rid of hair with Gentle YAG Laser .  

  • New innovation is for rejuvenating facial skin and getting rid of wrinkles and hair. Stop worrying about problems of wrinkles and hair. You will look good and feel good from head to toe.   


Rejuvenate facial skin, tighten facial skin and reduce wrinkles without surgery by using E-Max Laser.  

  • Reduce blemishes, freckles and dark spots.   
  • Boost hypodermic collagen and tighten skin. 
  • Reduce aging wrinkles and tighten pores to smooth and rejuvenate skin. 


Safe Skin Treatment with Super VPL Laser

Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser is to smooth facial skin and pores and reduce tattoo – black spots, dark spots under eyes, blemishes and freckles safely.  


Power Deep

The device helps push vitamins and medicaments to nourish skin cells. Power Deep is a new innovation helping brighten skin. 

  • Power Deep: Nice Skin by Mesotherapy is a principle of fusion, being similar to that of injection of micro-particles pushing vitamins, medicaments and amino acid into mesoderm or middle layer of skin. Power Deep is to provide treatment or push substances into body areas accurately, allowing skin to absorb the substances more efficiently for 3-6 times. 



  1. Improve skin structure and rejuvenate skin.
  2. Reduce lines and wrinkles and improve physical structure of skin beginning to sag or lose flexibility structure.
  3. Reduce acnes, scars and sensitive skin. 
  4. Minimize blemishes, freckles, dark spots and uneven skin tone.
  5. Rejuvenate skin lacking moisture and dark skin.
  6. Minimize cellulite in each area when using with the same product line.

Pristine by Viora

Pristine Machine uses exfoliation technology referred to as Diamond-Peel Microdermabrasion by using Laser-cut Diamond Tip together with Vacuum Suction System, removing skin cells, epidermis and blockages efficiently and softly and boosting collagen and elastin. The technology also stimulates blood flow, and after first treatment, skin will be fresh, clean and youthful. 

  • The treatment is to remove dead skin cells and reduce wrinkles, acne scars, dark spots and uneven skin.   


People Being Suitable for Treatment

Pristine Machine can provide safe treatment for all skin conditions; however, people with dry skin, slough or skin inflammation are not recommended for the treatment.    


Treatment Areas

Pristine Machine has a variety of sizes of Diamond Tips for choosing, and the machine can provide comprehensive treatment. In addition, the treatment is also for people with sensitive skin, allergic skin, uneven skin or inaccessible area, such as areas around eyes, etc.  


How often is the treatment needed? 

    The result can be seen right after first treatment. The treatment of 6-8 times should be received at two-week intervals. 

For further inquiries please contact us at:

02-058-1111, 02-561-1111. -1123-4


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