Eye and LASIK Center

The eyes are one of the most vital body parts that affect the quality of our lives.  They are delicate and need a lot of care in order to maintain their good health.  If you don't take care of your eyes, it can lead to vision loss and as a result a loss in your quality of life.  The Eye and Lasik Center can help you to maintain your eye health. It is lead by experienced medical staff and specialists using the most inovative and up to date medical technologies.  

       The center is open daily from 8.00am - 7:00pm.

The Eye and Lasik Center provides the following services:

  1. Regular Eye Checkup and Treatment 
  2. Optometry test by Optometrists 
  3. Specialized Treatment such as cornea, glaucoma, retina and aqueous humor
  4. Eye Treatments that need technologies such as Argon Laser, YAG Laser
  5. Operating Eye Hygiene, eye cleaning that prevents eye from infection
  6. Pediatric Optometry by Pediatric Ophthalmologist
  7. Cataract Surgery (Lens Replacement) 
  8. Short sighted, long sighted, and astigmatism treatment through LASIK ( Laser -Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy), FEMTO LASIK which is LASIK without blading, and ICLICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) which is a lens implant for optical correction. 


The Eye and Lasik Center is open 08:00 - 19:00 daily. 

For further inquiries please contact us at:

02-561-1111 ext. 4317-4318


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