Vibhavadi Hospital Announcement Relocation of IVF Department

Vibhavadi Hospital Announcement

Subject: Relocation of IVF Department


Dear Valued Patients

The IVF Department has been relocated to the 8th floor of Vi Plaza under the name Fertiva Clinic. The new location offers a more spacious environment with enhanced facilities. The initial service schedule is as follows


Monday - Friday
Service available at Fertiva Clinic, 8th Floor, Vi Plaza
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Saturday - Sunday
Service available at IVF Department, 2nd Floor, Building 1
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM


For more information, please contact
081-9045283 (08:00 AM - 05:00 PM).


We apologize for any inconvenience and sincerely appreciate your trust in our services.