Health is everyone's right. No matter your gender or identity. Access to appropriate health care and understanding of diversity is important. We are ready to take care of you comprehensively. Pay attention to both your physical health and your identity in every dimension.
1. General Physical Examination by a Physician (Physical Examination) Includes weight, height, blood pressure, pulse, and Body Mass Index (BMI)
2. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
3. Urinalysis (UA)
4. HIV Screening (Anti HIV)
5. Syphilis Screening (VDRL)
6. Hepatitis A Virus Infection Screening (Anti HAV IgM)
7. Hepatitis A Immunity Screening (Anti HAV IgG)
8. Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test (HBsAg)
9. Hepatitis B Immunity Screening (HBsAb)
10. Hepatitis C Virus Infection Screening (Anti HCV)
Advice before checking your health
1. Please abstain from drinking water and food 8 - 12 hours before the health check (you can sip water and take medicine regularly)
2. You should wear a shirt that is convenient for drawing blood. (Short sleeve shirt)
3. You should get enough rest before receiving health check-up services.
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Wellness and Occupational Health Center 0-2561-1111 ext. 2110, 2111
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