The Geneus DNA testing program helps you get to know yourself deeply through genetic testing that covers lifestyle aspects. response to food exercise Disease risk and genetic diseases with accurate examination results You can plan your health care to the point. Prevent disease before it becomes a problem Know yourself from the inside for sustainable health in the future.
7 Categories, 74 Items Tested
This genetic analysis program gives you a comprehensive understanding of your health. From deciphering personal genetics (DNA) according to Life Style
6 Categories, 277 Items Tested
This program helps you understand your disease risks and enables you to plan your health to minimize the chances of developing diseases.
3 Categories, 60 Items Tested
This program helps you understand your risk of developing genetic diseases, enabling you to focus on your health care more effectively.
13 Categories, 351 Items Tested
This program helps you deeply understand yourself in terms of lifestyle, disease risks, and genetic conditions. The results not only enhance your understanding of your body but also provide insight into your risks for various diseases, enabling you to plan your health care precisely and effectively."
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